"The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page." Saint Augustine
It's easy to get stuck in the American Dream. White picket fence, loving son and daughter, green grass, perfect neighbors, and the list goes on. To achieve this dream; everyone gets stuck in the daily routines. Getting the perfect test score to get into the perfect college to eventually reach the perfect job that will soon lead into the perfect life. But is this really what we should strive for? A beautiful family with the perfect degree for that well paying job where you sit at a desk all day?
Life should be more than just an ideal. It should be more than always reaching for something and always attempting to improve the future. It has so much more to offer, and if we are always longing for more how could we ever really be happy? Am I saying that constantly living for the moment is better, no. However, never being able to enjoy what’s right in front of you is much worse. Traveling gives the ability to see all that life has to offer right now. You literally go into a new world, or better yet you can experience a life outside of your own. The life of another who has a whole new culture and set of customs. Because of this it presents the ability to leave your comfort zone, and to totally omit yourself from what you feel safe with and expand new horizons. To be honest it can be a little scary at first. It can be a drastic change from your way of life, but it’s also something that’s new and fresh. So at the same time, traveling is exciting and throughout your trip as you begin to view this fresh new place you will want to feel apart of it. You will want to have a taste of this life, and with that your nervousness converts to curiosity. Suddenly, you’ll start to meet the new people around you. All that of course live this new life, so there can be a lot to learn from them. They might find joy in something you’ve never paid any mind to, to get along with one another in a way that you never found possible, or even something as small as showing you a new food or music you like. Everyone, everywhere, has something to offer and people from outside of what you know could bring you see new ideas and ways of life. Maybe what you are comfortable with what you know now, but the insight of people from another land could bring you beyond just feeling safe. It could lead you to being happier, or to challenge an idea that you have become so accustomed to. So with this challenge and all of the new experiences that traveling has to offer it also has to offer a lot of self growth.
With every experience there is always something to learn, and since traveling is filled with many different experiences you will end up learning a lot. You of course learn about the new area you have visited: what the weather is like, what the culture is like, what the people are like and that can all be very interesting to discover. But on the other hand, you will also learn a lot about yourself. When you are traveling you will always be thinking of how this new place differs from home. This means that a comparison takes place, and this comparison will tell you a lot about where you live and who you are. You will find things that you appreciate from your comfort zone, but also maybe something that isn’t so great. Something that in this new place you have found yourself to enjoy. It can be an be a new viewpoint, a new way to approach your life at home, or maybe something as small as new clothes or songs. From this appreciation for what you like about your norm and what you have learned from all the new experiences of traveling it will cause you to grow. To change into a better person because you are filled with unique insight and also a recent finding of gratitude for what you have. Many may think that the journey of traveling ends when you reach your destination, but in reality there is a whole new one once you arrive. One that is filled with fresh and wondrous encounters, along with a time to reflect on what to be thankful for from back home.
Life needs to be lived. To step out of your comfort zone. Meet new friends. Enjoy all that earth has to offer while you have it at your finger tips. You don't want to be looking back at life wondering how different things would have been if you went somewhere else; or how much you regret not leaving your country. Take the chance while you still have it. Live with no regrets.