With the upcoming 2016 presidential election essentially around the corner, my hopes are that if you're an American citizen allowed to vote (so, over 18), you are registered to vote. It's a known fact that young people generally do not head out to the polls on Election Day, whether it is a local election, primary, or the big presidential race. However, as American citizens, voting is one of the few things that allow us to have a voice. Maybe it is because I'm a political science major and off to law school soon, but it truly bothers me when people say they don't bother voting because their voice does not matter. STOP. RIGHT. THERE.
I can promise you whether or not the candidate you favor wins, without voting, what are you trying to prove? Even if in the end it does not turn out the way you had once hoped, voting is something that minorities such as women and African Americans fought so very hard for to achieve. Further, think about it. Our founding fathers and the soldiers who fought during wars long ago tried and succeeded at getting our independence. People are taking voting for granted when it is something that people centuries ago would have cherished with every fiber of their being.
Another question — why do people not care enough to vote? It legitimately takes about 10 minutes to vote (that is, if you go at the right time). There should be little excuse since the polls are open for nearly 12 hours, and you can always get an absentee ballot if you cannot make it to the voting location. This brings me to my next question.
So maybe, just maybe, if we have such an issue with young people voting, wouldn’t it be better to teach our youngsters about politics from an early age? Why not start in kindergarten all the way up until the day young people can vote? If the importance of democracy and having a voice is ingrained in children’s heads from a young age, maybe the issue of voter participation can be remedied. Also, thoughts on the voting age being lowered to 16?
Did anyone ever think that maybe young kids these days always act too big for their britches, but it would actual benefit them if they had adult responsibilities earlier on in order to cherish the values of their American culture? Or, are 16-year-olds too worried about partying, dating and starting to drive? I mean, who wouldn’t want to live a carefree life when you are in high school; playing sports, going on dates, learning to drive, going to homecoming and prom and all of the fun activities that go along with being a youngster. Are 16-year-olds too immature to even care? If the 18-24 age group doesn’t head to the polls, why would 16-year-olds?
Maybe the younger generations to come need to realize that they are the future. We are the future. We need to go out and fight for what we believe in now, before it's too late. I don’t care if you are white, Asian, African American, straight, gay, transgender, male, female, rich, poor, etc., YOU have a voice. A voice that is dying to be heard. So please, if you are not registered to vote, go out and DO IT! Be proud to be an American and use your democratic rights to better our lovely nation that we call home.