Everyone knows about the New Years Eve Ball Drop, in various cities around the world. However, the New York City ball drop is a particular beast to tackle on New Year's. Here's a few reasons why, in my opinion, staying in was better than staying outside this past weekend:
1. It's freezing and there's people everywhere.
Time to celebrate in 16 degree weather with thousands of strangers.
2. You need to get there about 18 hours before the new year, and bathrooms are still pretty popular.
Bathrooms will be in style for 2017. I promise.
3. You can't actually celebrate with friends in a crowd of several thousand random people.
Celebrate with James from Ohio next to you, because your friends probably won't be around.
4. Pickings. Finger food.
No finger food in Times Square. Also, no alcohol.
5. You can't see the singers from your spot (probably).
You've sat on concrete for 12 hours and still, you haven't seen Taylor Swift.
6. You can go immediately to bed when it's over if you're home.
The only traffic will be you kicking everyone out so you can go to bed.
7. Celebrate with the dog, worst case scenario.
Have nobody to kiss? Parents are asleep? Single and not ready to mingle? Friends didn't invite you? You always have Fido or Freckles (cat version).
8. Regular access to food and water.
Don't ring in 2017 starving and dehydrated. Goals.
9. You can watch 2016 burn from the comfort of your couch, instead of your face burning with it.
Why burn with it? Let it drown. Let it burn.
10. Goodbye, 2016.
You're not worth sitting outside 19 hours for.
Welcome 2017!