Last year, Purdue University Dance Marathon became the youngest ever Dance Marathon to raise over $1 million and the Greek community had a lot to do with that. Everyone involved, not just Greeks, was part of history and made a huge impact in the lives of children at Riley Hospitals across the nation. Purdue Greeks make up a huge chunk of the fundraising effort for the marathon every year, and here's why you should tough it out the 18 hours for the kids, this November.
PUDM brings Greeks together. This November will be my fourth marathon since coming to Purdue, and each year I always make new friends. Some of my closest friends at Purdue were made through PUDM. I challenge you to find another event that Purdue puts on where you can find this many Greeks in the same place for 18 hours straight. The opportunities to meet new people are endless. For the freshmen, it has long since been a tradition for the pledge classes in most fraternities and sororities to participate in the marathon, which will be great for meeting the rest of 2014 pledge classes. PUDM is also a perfect opportunity to make memories with your pledge class and other Purdue Greeks that don't involve partying.
PUDM needs Greeks. The Greek community is the backbone of the fundraising efforts at PUDM. This is because fraternities and sororities are good at getting behind a cause and putting a lot of man and woman power into it. If every chapter on campus registers a team of 20 dancers, and everyone raises their $150 minimum, that will account for over $180,000. Greeks hold so much power when it comes to philanthropic causes because there are so many of us and we have the passion. It shows, every year, when Greeks raise more money for charity than any other student organization on campus.
Making it through the 18 hours. If you were at the marathon last
You could be that difference this year. Go to, make a team for your house and start recruiting, or join your chapter's team if someone has already made it. Registration ends Oct. 31 and the marathon will take place Nov. 22 and Nov. 23. See you then.