You took U.S. government in high school and learned about the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. You may think that you know everything about them, but taking a political science class will help you understand how each branch actually works. Example: What a lot of people don't know is that the U.S. President can be removed from office by the Vice President and their cabinets if they feel that he/she cannot fulfill his/her duty.
Now taking a political class isn't just about government. Many courses in the political science field teach law, issues around the world, the Constitution and expressing your personal views on certain topics. Taking a poli-sci course offers many benefits. People have the opportunity to express their views to other people who disagree or agree with them. It's like a debate, but no one wins.
1. You learn how the government functions.
Again, you probably learned the basics of how our government functions. Congress creates bills, the president signs bills into laws, and the Supreme Court has the final ruling of laws that come from Congress and the Constitution. Taking a political science class will actually help you understand how each branch actually works. Example: You probably didn't know that the president does nothing, but sign bills into law and commands the army. Another example is that, in the Supreme Court, there are no requirements to be a Supreme Court Justice. Any American can be appointed to a seat as long as they are confirmed in the Senate.
2. The Constitution.
I took a political science class called "Constitutional Law Part 1." It was the hardest class that I have ever taken, but I learned so much that, honestly, I can talk about it for hours. If you ever get the opportunity to take a political science class about our Constitution, do it! From what I learned, the executive branch is vague when it describes what the president's role is, Congress has more powers than what it has listed, and the Supreme Court description is very short and simple. Taking the class will help you understand more of our rights and how it affects our lives every day.
3. Issues around the world.
Political science classes not only teach about the government and the Constitution, but many courses teach about major issues that occur around the world. Some may teach about movements that are currently happening such as LGBTQ rights or Black Lives Matter. You may study on how each movement was formed and the history around it.
4. Expressing your opinions.
The one thing that I love about political science classes is that you have the opportunity to express your opinion. You have the right to say whatever you want, but you need facts to back up your statement. Expressing your opinions is a great way of showing people that there are topics you care about. You have the opportunity to tell people what you know and how you feel.
So the next time you register for classes, you might want to consider taking a political science class. It may not interest you at first, but in all honesty, you will learn a lot. You will become more politically informed and have the opportunity to express your opinions on topics that you care about.