Regardless of what lifestyle we lead, we are all role models whether we like it or not. One does not have the option to opt out of being a role model. If we eat healthy, our loved ones are more inclined to follow. If we begin a new work out regimen, we find more inspiration to do so if we have an acountabilibuddy. If there is someone close to you that has an addiction, you are susceptible to become an addict.
Celebrities we follow in the media are role models not just to young people, but also to anyone using the Internet and social media. If people we look up to and admire post their political beliefs on social media, there will be a subconscious effect on us, shaping our own political beliefs. However, fans have the tendency to grow upset when musicians, authors, and celebrities they follow on social media weigh in on their political beliefs.
As we educate ourselves on politicians and policies, it is hard to sift through the vast amount of bias made so readily accessible. It is rather difficult to find our own voice when there are so many other voices online, spouting out a combination of nonsense and informative viewpoints. This election season, I cannot help but ask myself, “Do my thoughts actually belong to me?”
Many of us like the think we are intelligent enough to think for ourselves and have the ability to make our own decisions. However, the general populace tends to only read news that caters to one’s own beliefs. The Glenn Beck program will attract mostly a conservative audience while the New Yorker will attract mostly a liberal audience.
If someone we look up to, even as young adults, believes in something, we are more inclined to follow. There are, however, many people that would disagree with this statement. These people might feel as though being that impressionable takes away an aspect of our humanity. It may be a difficult truth to grasp, but we are utterly impressionable; our vulnerable minds process the outside world as the river information meanders its way into our subconscious.
So why is it important for musicians and celebrities to be vocal about their beliefs on social media?
Electronic musician, Moby, is a prominent vegan activist and liberal figure. Although he is a musician, the majority of his posts are political. Social media is way by he can express his viewpoints. Moby, like many other artists, promotes his beliefs to express his ideals though the vehicle of social media. Whether you like his political rants or not, expressing himself in this manner is important. Music absolutely has a place for politics. Musicians are fully aware that they are role models. Where is the harm in promoting something you wholeheartedly believe would make the world a better place? Even if an artist’s outlook is different than yours, it should be respected nonetheless.
All things are imitations in someway, regardless of how difficult this truth is to digest. There is no profound thought someone has yet to think of before. We are all a product of our surroundings. For a musician, someone who has made a career in expressing themselves though their own artistry, it is entirely unfair to argue that they should ‘stick to playing music’ while keeping out of politics. There have been musical genres throughout the years whose entire culture was based on delivering political messages.
It seems as though the people get angry whenever they read someone’s ideologies online that differ from their own. Every single one of us affirms a belief that we hold dear to our hearts, even though it may not be an utterly original set of ideas that originate within us. Even if musicians have this ability to impress their beliefs among their fans, these musicians have reached their fans by the power of music, giving their fans the gift of artisanship. Their music has influenced us in some way. If a musician wants to spout out some political rant, why should we refuse them their right to do so? Again, we are all role models, and we are all highly impressionable. If this is the case, as informed individuals, we should conquer the ideological bubble that has been brought about through technological advances.