I was never one to care for politics, simply because it never affected me much.
But... why should I care? I’m not dependent on welfare. I have a roof over my head, a stable income, a college education, and a loving family. I have my rights, I can vote, and I feel respected wherever I go. I could go about living in my fancy-free world of ignorance, but it wouldn’t be right.
Why should I, a young Asian female, be able to live civilly on the basis that I was lucky enough to be born in America when, in fact, other human beings are suffering in destitute conditions?
Why should I, a legal resident of America, care? Because just like Christopher Columbus did in 1492, my family migrated to America for freedom just like how the current refugees are trying flee persecution.
Why should I, someone who is safe in sound in America, care? Because it doesn’t matter where I am, whether I am in the USA, Canada or even Australia. I am on this planet with those made of the same molecules. I am no different than the refugees. I simply live on a different piece of land.
Why should I care? Because I refuse to accept the arbitrary notion that birthplace and religion divide an entire human race.
I care because what we, as one race, are dealing with is more than laws, more than policies, national borders, religious beliefs, and it is more than money. We are dealing with actual lives.
The refugee crisis begs for our attention and the suffering of these people cannot be ignored.
To hear refugee escape stories from my own mother and father, to look into their eyes knowing their suffrage for freedom was just decades ago, to realize how easily I could have been born into that life of my own – it’s hard to ignore the suffering.
That's why I care. But the real question is, do you?