I'm not throwing shade if you have had one or if you want one but just hear me out, they aren't what they are cracked up to be.
I recently turned 21 and the first thing people asked me when they found out I had a birthday party was, "did you take 21 shots?!"
1. I don't think anyone can really do 21 shots unless they were struggling with alcoholism
2. It just sounds absolutely horrible
That is torture. Why would anyone want to see me take 21 shots and most likely throw up?? 21 shots is a death sentence! It's like penny sake night at a sushi bar. Sounds good in theory but when it comes down to it, it isn't the safest.
3. No one really likes to make shot book pages
I have no money, and neither do my friends so why would I make them drive to Michael's to buy two glitter pages, get stickers that say Twenty ~ Fun, and print out ugly pictures of me from Walgreen's
4. Not to mention someone always gets upset with the shot they were assigned to
Or even worse, why weren't they assigned a number shot.
5. I am a very anxious person
So having a party where everyone is looking just at me getting wasted isn't very appealing. I mean I love having attention, but that is just bad press.
6. They are incredibly awkward
Can you imagine going to a party where the host is stuck behind a table not being able to socialize with anyone because they are taking shots?
The host should be mingling people together and introducing people together, so not everyone is looking at you like you are in a zoo.
I know. I might be dumb, and when I am 80 I might be jealous of my friends who have a scrapbook from their 21st birthday party, but I didn't puke or have a hangover the next day.
And I have been tagged in a million Facebook and Instagram pictures from my birthday, so I think I will be just fine.