Lots of people have collections of things. Some people collect stamps. Others collect coins. Comedian Ralphie May collects mullets. I recently realized that I have no collections of things, and decided to change that. So I considered the things I enjoy trying to find something to collect, and then it dawned on me. My collection had really already begun, I just didn't realize it.
For the past year, I have been subconsciously collecting amazing 80's rock music videos. When MTV premiered in 1981 it caused an explosion of music videos, and because it was the 80's, things got weird. Today I have one of my favorite music videos to show you, here's a shot-by-shot breakdown.
"Rock of Ages" - Def Leppard
Released in 1983, Rock of Ages is one of Def Leppard's most well-known songs. Here's the video:
This video was the first of my amazing 80's rock music video collection, and I think it sets the standard of what we should expect out of a music video. The first thing to note is the robed figures. What is their purpose here? I guess we'll find out.
Next, note is the dramatic zoom in on the owl.
Typically in cinematography you use zooms to draw attention to a specific thing in the shot. This indicates we should keep an eye on this owl. This zoom in generates interesting questions, such as "why is there an owl?" and "what is the purpose of that owl?"
Next, we see what appears to be a chess match between a woman and one of the robed figures from earlier.
Next, as I'm sure you all noticed, the woman tied to the tree.
. How did she go from playing chess to being tied to the tree? Was that the price for losing? I'm sure we'll find out soon.
Well... no. We revisit our dramatic zoom-ins on both the woman and the owl. Then we get random shots of... symbolism? I guess? Also, butt shaking.
Next, we see this shot.
The music video continues fairly normally with the band just playing their song in front of a helpless woman. Until the 2 minute mark, and suddenly there's a sword. Note the length of the sword in the first shot.
The sword is about the length of the lead singer's height, so roughly 6 feet long. Now look at the next shot.
Now remember the woman from earlier? Turns out the band was working on that. Here's the peni....sword.
The guitarist then uses this new guitar to shred the song's solo and...
The band takes the song home, and the video makes reference to some of it's earlier symbols.
The video finishes with the lead singer triumphantly posing as the song ends.
But wait!
So, that's the video. Some questions remain. For example, what was the purpose of the owl? It was shown not once, but twice, and received a dramatic zoom in each time. Dramatic zoom ins are reserved for important scenes, like how every shot of the woman was a dramatic zoom, she was important! What is that owl doing there?!
Also, why the tree? Or the chess match? Or the goblet? Def Leopard, you have left us with more questions than answers! I need to know what happened to the freaking owl!