Around five months ago, I laid my anxieties and concerns aside and decided to follow God's Commission to go on a weeklong mission trip with my church.
I contemplated going on missions for quite some time for several reasons. First, I was a new believer. I had recently started going out to church, on my own will, during my junior year in high school. I didn't know all the Bible stories that "everyone should know," and I had just found a new community in my church.
Second, I wasn't sure if what I felt, heard, or saw was real. Was my faith genuine? Was my heart in the right place?
Lastly, I was unsure about my intentions for going on missions. I doubted myself and asked myself if I was really going for God. Was I really going for His glory? Was I even ready? I was bombarded with all these doubts in my head.
Despite all these uncertainties, I decided to just go. During a meeting for my campus ministry, a friend and brother-in-Christ reminded me, "God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called." With this, I decided to put all my trust in God, who I couldn't see nor feel.
So, going back to my question: was I ready? Heck nah. During my time in Guatemala, I still had these thoughts lingering in the back of my head. I felt unprepared and lacking in so many different aspects. I felt this way even more because I was the only college student and first-time mission goer.
1 Corinthians 1:27 states, "But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong…"
Although I was naive and lacking in knowledge and wisdom, God constantly reminded me that He was there with me. He not only used my naivety for His glory, but He also showed me how much He loved me.
During the trip, there were three days of VBS, also known as Vacation Bible School, in which my team and I taught one main message (God the Father) through body worship, dances, skits, games, and crafts. Every day I met new kids, and every day I saw how much joy, love, and innocence were in their hearts.
I saw how much God loved these kids. I saw just a tiny glimpse of how much love He could pour out onto these kids. Through them, I was able to see how much He loved me too. God, who loves unconditionally and indiscriminately, loves every single part of me -- all the good and the bad.
I struggled a lot with the concept of love because, honestly, who knows what love is. (Yikes, looks like someone has gotten their heart broken a few times! Just kidding.) All jokes aside, God has shown me what love truly looks like.
It's been about a month or so since I've been back from Guatemala, and I'm so grateful that I was able to receive such an opportunity to go. More than that, I was grateful for all the people I met and spoke to despite the language barrier in Guatemala. I definitely still have a long way to go to properly reflect and become more loving towards others in the way God calls me to, but I can confidently say that I would love to go on missions again if the opportunity presents itself through God's will.
If you or someone is on the edge about going on missions, please pray about it and remember God's ultimate desire for all the nations to know Him and go to Him.
Also, please ask me about my mission trip! God bless!