A Short Story About An Abusive Husband | The Odyssey Online
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A Short Story About An Abusive Husband

A toxic marriage can ruin your life.

A Short Story About An Abusive Husband

What you are going to read is my interpretation of having a toxic and abusive husband.

No, I am not married; but I have heard and read plenty of stories of women who have been in bad positions.

When a girl marries, it means her father is no longer the main man in her life. The main man becomes her husband. Recently I have been reflecting on stories that people have told me, and I decided to create my own interpretation of how it can ruin a woman's life.

When in an abusive marriage, it doesn't mean that it is over quickly. It affects everything and everyone. It breaks a father's heart to know that his daughter married a man who doesn't want what is best in his daughter's life.

It is slightly intense, but please keep in mind that these kind of relationships are not pleasant, and are serious.

As Peyton stepped off the train at Grand Central Station, she immediately had to figure out her next move. She grabbed her bags and found the nearest exit. As she reached the streets, the sun shown brightly in her eyes. Peyton hailed for a taxi. One pulled over and she hopped in. She told the taxi driver to drop her off at Central Park.

She was supposed to get a package from him which was left at a specific location in Central Park. Peyton made her way to the memorial called Strawberry Fields. Hidden by a bench was the package that she was to receive. Peyton picked it up and saw that it was a wooden box.

Pulling the box open, her hands began to shake. A gun with a silencer attached to it confronted her. Peyton knew she had to use it to take down the man that had made her life a living hell for the past 10 years.

She found a safe, small hotel that she stayed the night in until she made her next move. The following morning, she got a message from him that said that her assassination was to be on the High Line, overlooking the Statue of Liberty.

She arrived to the High Line at 12:30 p.m. and scanned for a hidden spot to aim from. The man she was about to assassinate neared her spot and she took aim. Tourists walked in front of the shot, blocking her view of the wicked man. Just as the people cleared, she felt a burning sensation in her side. Blood dripped from her hand. She had been taken down before she could assassinate him. As she dropped to the ground, people screamed and she began to drift off. As she closed her eyes, flashbacks of her life appeared. The man she been trying to kill was pushing her on a swing as she laughed, as the swing swung higher and higher. Her mom and the man danced in a kitchen as she watched from a doorway. She remembered walking down the isle with the man by her side, as she wore a strapless white dress.

The happy memories ended and terrifying flashbacks began. She flashed to when she was strapped to a table with tubes running down her arms. Needles were being injected into her body as her memories began to be erased. Slowly the man that she had loved and been raised by became this horrific man.

As she neared closer to death, her life began to make sense. Her husband, the amazing man she thought she had married, was a psycho. He had screwed up Peyton and her father's brain so much, that they would never remember each other. They had been programmed to hunt each other down and ultimately one would assassinate the other. Death took hold of Peyton. She was finally free of her hellish marriage but lost a father who she would never love again.

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