Being short is a lot of fun until people make it a big deal and bring it to your attention that you are much shorter than the "average" person. I think most of us are comfortable with our height, but what makes it uncomfortable are the annoying comments that come along with being below average in height. Here, are a list of comments that I have actually heard being said about me.
"Wow, you're so short."
Wow. It is something I apparently did not even know about myself. Thanks for pointing it out every second of my life.
"Honey, what grade are you in?"
What grade am I in? Well let's see I haven't been in high school in almost five years and I'm a senior in COLLEGE!
"Do you need a kids menu?"
No, I do not need a kids menu, just because my little sister is taller than me. I am practically 5 years older than you.
"I thought you were, like, 12"
The biggest insult of them all. I live for peoples reaction when I tell them I am actually 22 going on 23.
"I am so much taller than you"
Wow, thanks for reminding me that I am much shorter than you and most people I encounter on a daily bases. Always great to state the obvious.
"How tall are you?"
I would have a million dollars for every time I have heard this question. Apparently not tall enough, okay?
"You'll appreciate your size one day."
So, because I am short, it automatically makes me look younger then what I am. Alright, cool!
"Do you need to scoot your seat up more to see?"
Okay, I get it, you may be a little scared driving around with a shorter person, but I know how I like my seat adjusted to my car.
"Do you need any help reaching that?"
Yes, I know that I can't reach the items on the top shelf, but that is what my step stool is for. I do not need your help.
"Did you shrink?"
No, I did not shrink. I have been the same height since I was 13 years old. Goodbye.
Yes being short is such a challenge sometimes, but we do not want to hear it everyday of our lives. Yes, we know we are short, yes we know that we may can't reach certain items, but stop bringing it to our attention. My 5 foot and two inches, that I have been holding on to since the 7th grade is doing just fine being short!