Being too short can be a pain sometimes. Yes, there are some positives to it, and I am happy with my height, but there are times when I wish I was just a few inches taller. At my college, I have to jump to see into my mail box because they put mine on the highest row. And freshman year a guy had to help me put my bins in my designated space because it was too high and there were no step ladders. I even have to ask my little sister (by 6 years) to reach things for me! These are some of the issues we short people run into on a day-to-day basis.
1. Adjusting the driver’s seat and steering wheel takes a full minute. It’s like the car is mocking you for needing the seat that far forward. Trying to get ice/snow/dirt off the top of your car is literally impossible too.
2. You can’t reach things in your own kitchen. You use your counters as step ladders.
3. People always telling you you’re short... even if they are only 2 inches taller than you.
4. You got to jog to keep up with people with longer legs (and tire more easily as a result).
5. Pants are always a little too long and floor length dresses must be hemmed. It’s extra time and extra money.
6. Pulling laundry out of the machine is a lot harder than it looks sometimes.
7. You’re constantly on your tiptoes when reaching for things. You may have the strongest toes amongst all your friends.
8. Your feet don’t reach the ground unless you sit on the edge of your seat. Even for toilets sometimes...
9. Standing in the shallow part of the pool like:
10. You are the designated armrest always.
11. Playing pool is much harder than it is for normal people.
12. You can never see at concerts, or movies, or any shows really.
13. Getting on bikes, tall beds, tall stools, etc is a process you need to mentally prepare for.
14. Have to be in the front of photos like all the time. If you're not, you won't be able to see yourself.
15. You gaining 5 pounds and it looks like you’ve gained 20.
16. Hugs can be incredibly awkward.
17. You used to be the tall kid, and now you’re not. You still can’t wrap your head around it.
18. “No, I am not 5’3”, I am 5’3.75.”
19. But on the positive side, we can wear these...
20. And still not end up like this guy on airplanes: