There are endless advantages to being short. We can be in the front of any picture, curl up comfortably practically anywhere (cars, airplanes, couches, etc), order from the kids' menu without being questioned and wear whatever shoes we want whenever we want without having to worry about being taller than our date. I’m 18 years old, 5’1” and most likely not growing anymore. Growing up short hasn’t been easy, but I’ve learned to love my height. Still, there are days where I wish that either I was a few inches taller or that basic aspects of everyday life were more accommodated for people of a smaller stature. Here’s why.
It’s great to have other people get food for you when it’s too high on a shelf or in the very top cabinet, but what about when that person isn’t there? We either have to find a way to safely climb the shelves at the grocery store or go without whatever it is that we needed.
We can only roll up so many pairs of jeans and shirt cuffs which means that clothes can get insanely expensive. A good pair of jeans that perfectly fits our height starts at around $80. If jeans aren’t an option, getting other pants hemmed is. Once again, it’s just more money.
Just because we are short does not mean we are young. I’m usually not too bothered by obvious comments about my height, but this one can be a bit offensive sometimes. I understand that I have the height of a 14 year old, but I’d like to think that people see me as more mature than a high school freshman.
Walking places with friends who are taller can be extremely challenging. While they are strolling along at a leisurely place, we are speed walking or lightly jogging to keep up.
People feel the need to constantly remind us how tiny we are. This is the most annoying thing ever. I know that it may be hard to believe, but most of us are well aware that we are short. It’s not something that changed overnight.
In addition to reminding us that we are closer to the ground, a select few tall people tend to underestimate our power (in defense of tall people, those who don’t judge us are some of the nicest people). I have come to realize that some of my fellow short people can be the strongest, fiercest, toughest people, and I would not want to encounter them on a bad day. Just because we can’t look at someone eye-to-eye doesn’t mean we won’t kick their butt.
In the end, everyone's height has advantages and disadvantages. Height is something that we can't control (unless you want to wear those cute wedges) and have to learn to live with. Sometimes, our shorter height is frustrating and can hold us back, but other times, it is the best thing in the world. What we lack in height, we make up for in personality. The only thing that anyone of any height can do is embrace their height and learn to love it.