Dear Best Friends,
You all mean more to me than words could explain. I can't even begin to describe to you the impact you've had on my life. From people I've known almost my whole life to the people who just came into my life a year ago or less, you all mean so much to me in this short amount of time.
To my sorority sisters, you all know who you are. You were there during a really bad time in my life. You've seen a break down from me that I never thought would happen. You were there when I thought I was so much less than I am. You were there when I thought I wouldn't be able to be apart of the organization that has helped shape my college experience. Thank you for being the people I am never afraid to turn to for anything.
To the friends from high school who didn't leave, you're all amazing. After high school, I lost so many friends for pointless reasons. A lot of people turned their back on me when I needed them even though I would've never turned on them. You're all so important to me. We spent 4 years together and that is something I will always cherish, even if you hate me now, I still cherish the good moments. My friends that I still see, thank you for continuing to make my life an amazing experience. You're always there to make memories and you're always down for random adventures.
To my best friend who is older than me, you are one of the best and most influential people in my life. You became one of my best friends right before you graduated high school. You graduated and moved to South Carolina and 12 hours away from me. Even though you were so far away, we still made it a point to talk all the time. We don't see each other super often, but we still talk often. You're an amazing person and I am privileged to know you.
To my bitchkateers... What is there to say about you? You're the 2 best friends I never thought I would still be friends with. I became friends with both of you through mutual people. It is so random that we are all so close. We're dog moms, mcdonald's lovers, and rude as hell when we're together. You're both the most amazing people I know. I love you so much.
Finally, to my boyfriend, you're amazing and I don't really think I need to say more. Other than the fact that you're always there and have never left, that is so important to me.
All of these people mean so much to me. This is the shortest article I've ever written... But I love all these people with everything in my life. They need to know how much they're appreciated and I think this article will let them know that.