This is just a short letter to my future self.
Hey me, listen up, right now I'm not sure of what I'm doing. You can say I'm lost, or maybe a little misguided. I'm not ideally where I want to be. I'm writing this in hopes you will not be me, the me I am now, in the future. I am not the person I thought I was; I believed myself to be kind, gentle, and a hard worker. What I really am, is rough, selfish, and someone who is hardly working. I don't overachieve and there will be a slight chance I never do. I could have been so close to accomplishing so many things, yet focused on things that didn't matter. I let all of my dreams die without ever giving them a chance. I could have been on a different path but got complacent with where I was. I fell for simplicity and never chased after anything I wanted. I gave up when I shouldn't have. The first twenty-one years of my life, I have lived waiting for something good to happen. I've never gone and made something good happen.
You need to fix this, fix us, fix me. Work as hard as you can, and be yourself, your true self at all times. Don't go judging others unless you can handle being judged yourself. You need to make sure the rest of my life is a great one. You need to have ambition and keep yourself moving forward. You need to be proactive. You need to make sure the next twenty-one years of my life are some of the best years of my life. Work hard, and shoot for you're dreams if you have the chance. Don't give up, and just be the best person you can be for the rest of you're life.
Please Listen, Future Self. This is not for me but for you. Past me can not be changed, present me is stuck, but you can help make a difference.
Be that difference.