Dear Donald Trump,
I am a Woman. I am an American. I was raised by two loving Muslim parents.
Through my teenage years, I had trouble identifying with one religion. I was born a Muslim girl. The first words I heard as a newborn was the adhan, that my Father whispered in my ear. I have celebrated eid and taken part in fasting during Ramadan. In the United States Islam is the third largest religion and the second largest in the world. It is one of the most peaceful religions. But you want to target us.
I have heard everything from, “he's not against your type of Muslim” to “you're white, you can't be Muslim.” Well, last time I checked religion is not identified by the color of your skin and we are a religion as a whole not separated by our “types.” In the end, we are all people, we are all human.
It blows my mind that we the people allowed hate to win. But for those who voted for you, it is almost impossible for you and them to understand where those who are affected by the hate are coming from. So I will just leave you with this.
I have a younger brother and younger sister. She is eight and he is six. They are both Muslim. They both follow their religion and are proud of it. They are not in between religions as I once was. When you were elected president it struck fear in their hearts. My sister cried and my brother was in disbelief. Still innocent, he did not believe that someone so cruel could win the presidency. When I was there age I knew nothing about the presidential election but they are so involved because of the fear that they have not only of you but for their lives. My family and I try to reassure them that everything will be alright but with the hurtful things that you have said on social media and during the election we are finding it difficult.
I am in disbelief that you have instilled fear into so many people yet you are still president. Although I do not support you I hope that you do great. I fear for my future for some of it is in your hands. Hands that I do not trust. I hope that this experience changes you. I hope that it opens your eyes.
We are all watching you hopeful, scared, and out of control. But we will fight for our rights.