Height might not be a major concern for your life but it is for mine.
Having stopped growing when I was 15, I experience things that a lot of males don't experience when it comes to height. I'm 5 feet 2 in a country of 5 feet 9 men. I've been looked down upon (both literally and verbally) as well as treated as subhuman. Heightism needs to stop!
Most people would probably assume that the worst problems a shorter person might have is not being able to reach higher shelves. That is incorrect. Being short can be a disadvantage for many reasons ranging from certain job positions to rollercoaster height restrictions. These things happen regardless of gender.
Men can also be seen as less of a man just for being short.
In my personal experience, I'm at times not taken seriously because of my height. People often joke and laugh saying that looking like a kid and being assertive don't go together. In some cases, a short man might have to grow facial hair to be taken seriously. People cannot help their height and therefore should not be made fun of for it.
I've seen comments where men who are 5 feet 7 complain that they are short. I would love to be anywhere near that. I'm an inch shorter than my mother which is very uncommon for males. It feels weird sometimes when you have people who are 5+ years younger than you that tower over you at the age of 20 as a male.
People always tell me that I still have time to grow but having not grown an inch in over five years, I think I'm done. I have hope but I've also accepted that my life will sometimes be difficult since people may treat me differently because of my height.
I'll forever be short but I'll still be better than the people who are rude about it.