1. We have strong calf muscles because we are on our tippy toes all the time.
Strong legs- Tight muscles- Nice bodies!
2. We can crawl through windows.
I did this every time I forgot my key in my dorm room my freshman year. Thank God for a first floor room. Also the back window at my family's old house- sorry Mom.
3. Just like an overly tall guy, we give great hugs.
I can koala hug like a boss.
Climbing, stacking stools on chairs, Using coat hangers to reach things at the top of our closets and so much more- Did you really think I would give you all our secrets away!?
5. We do not look like a zombie with our arms straight out on the steering wheel while driving.
Do not lean back with your car seat practically in the lap of the passenger behind you with your lengthy arms on the wheel. Unless you are practicing for an audition for "The Walking Dead." Then I fully approve.
6. We can 'statistically' do more squats/min because it takes less time to reach that level....
Basically, we have better booties!! ;)
7. Absolutely any guys/brothers/boyfriends sweats or hoodies look like an oversized parachute on us.
Try telling me that this look is not just down right sexy-cute!!
8. Some of us even look young enough to pass for a child ticket at movie theaters!
I am all for saving money. So if the teller behind the booth thinks I am under the "adult price" HEY I'll take it!
We are the BEST little spoon or "jet packer" (Quoting a reference to my RA my freshman year, Taylor W)
10. We can squeeze through any large crowd.
When a class of a 200+ lecture lets out, concerts, the line for the drinks at frat parties... you can be for sure we can make it from the back to the front in record time.
11. We literally see a different world than tall people.
Our eyesight is where there bellybutton or chest is. They can not see what we see, and all we need to do is put on heels and reach their height!
And the best for last...
12. Hide and seek masters.
I always won this game.
I love my height. I love how every dress has a train for me. I enjoy not having to worry what kind of pants I buy at stores (short or regular length) because I truly do not mind the bunching leg-warmer thing they resemble at the bottom if I accidentally buy them in regular length. (80s girl at heart! Thanks Mamma Kim!)
One thing does trigger me and that is when others use my head as their arm rest or tell me that I am short. WARNING! Do this and it will result in SGF (Short Girl Furry). Shorties might be a foot shorter but we have just as much energy and it is all packed into these tiny bodies. I know my height and I like it but do not make it a point of conversation. Nobody cares. Just like no body cares that you are over 6 foot. Step down from that ego- you look ridiculous.