As we know, when cisgender people talk about trans people and the bathroom, they are always talking about Trans women. They don't want "men" in women's restrooms. What they don't realize is that if they force people to go to a bathroom based on a piece of paper from when they are born, there are going to be men in women's restrooms: Trans men.
I have to use the women's restroom when out with family and it is extremely uncomfortable, and it's not just because I'm using the wrong restroom. I get stared at and mothers usher their children away from me because they know I'm not supposed to be there. It's such a miserable experience that I don't use public restrooms when I'm with my parents anymore.
Cis people need to realize that they aren't the ones in danger from Trans people using the restroom. Trans people are the ones in danger. We just need to go to the restroom and we aren't going to bother you. You're the ones bothering us.