The joys of shopping is sometimes indescribable. The thrill of exploring the aisles and the anticipation of getting something that I am really going to enjoy. The buzz in the hunt is exciting and sales are an extra bonus. I enjoy shopping for new clothes but I especially love grocery shopping. Shopping for my stomach till I drop, no distractions, whatsoever.
Then, I’m back home and the rest of the family has to come along and something so enjoyable suddenly becomes a mess. You know nothing is going to go according to plan with these bunch coming along. And you couldn’t expect less than the following to occur;
1. The Younger One Gets Everything They Want
You already know that the money is not going to be spent on everything you want; the money in not in yours hands, mum has it. You have to be considerate about what everybody else likes and dislikes. Basically, the stuff to be bought in the grocery aspect is what “everybody” eats aka the younger ones.
It sings when you are flat out denied of what you ask for and right after, the youngest child asks for something, similar or less, they get it.
2. The One That Gets Away
We’ve all arrived at the mall, ready to get the shopping done. Then, one of your Siblings decides to part ways because they have made plans with their friends. And you sorrowfully watch as they walk away after getting permission. You can’t leave now. You have to be the responsible one that stays behind and helps.
3. Mum Does Not Like It
You’ve found a top you really like but it doesn’t catch mum’s fancy. You choose your words carefully, trying to persuade her but the outcome had already been decided long before you saw that top; the money is in her hands, she does not like the top and you’re definitely not getting it.
4. The One That Got Left Behind
One minute you’re looking towards something that caught your interest and the next, you look to everybody else due to the sudden silence and they are not in sight. You scan the space to spot them but to no avail. You try to call but the phone signal decides to act out.
Now you’re pissed and have to go through each aisle in search of them. And when you do find them, the reunion is often not a happy one. You and mum are both wondering the same thing. “Where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you.”
5. The One That Wants To Go Home
You’ve gotten everything you wanted and could have, now you’re tired and want to leave, but mum is not done yet. She just told you the next shop would be the last but that was like a 100 stores ago. You want to whine but you have to be careful; the stuff you got has still not gone through the checkout. You try hard to suppress the lines that are trying to emerge between your eyebrows.
6. The Checkout
We are all at the checkout and after waiting at an exhausting queue, we are next in line. You look to mum to check that we are indeed ready to go but low and behold, she is gone. With her bag. You’re left looking about nervously as the customer before you is almost done. They are ways this may end but here are a few;
i) Mum comes back smiling right at the last minute and has something that looks irrelevant in her hands. She apologises, insisting that she had to get it for us aka the younger ones.
ii) It is finally your turn at the till and she is not back yet. And you desperately try to hold on to your spot, avoiding the glaring eyes behind and ignoring the arising murmurs as you make everyone wait.
iii) Mum doesn’t show up and you have to go back to the end of the queue which seems like a decade away.
7. Home Time
The shopping are in the bags and everyone might not be satisfied to the same extent but we are all longing to go home and relax. You step out the main doors, at last, you thought, but then a friend passes by. In hopes, that the said friend did not take notice, you continue on but then you hear the dreadful words “Look who we have here”; the footsteps behind you have stopped.
It is mum’s friend and they are exchanging greetings. And no, they are not going to meet up later for a cup of tea and chat. They have to catch up at that exact time and location; outside in the cold.
The lines between your eyebrows are now visible, multiplying each minute that goes by.
Shopping can be indeed tiring but shopping with the family is on a whole new chart of getting you knackered. Slightly, distorting your views on shopping with every end.