Grabbing your pre-trip Starbucks
They say never to shop on an empty stomach, it's only smart to fill up while walking in.
Glancing the dollar section
I definitely need this, and this and this. Everything in here is not a dollar but $3 and $5 isn't bad until you've blown your whole budget before the rest of the store.
When they run out of your shampoo but have your conditioner
The decision of switching brands or deciding to come back again in a few days and try again. Isn't that just kick you in the crotch spit on your neck fantastic?
Casually smelling the candles
Sniffing "Sun Kissed" only to smell sun bum sunscreen and the tropical beach, my house should only smell like this.
Checking the clearance rack
Deals never hurt anyone and 20% off means I can get 20% more items, right?
Someone else picking up the item you were clearly looking at
In the middle of an intense decision when someone else swoops in and picks up the item without a second thought.
SEE ALSO: Every Basic Girl's Stream Of Consciousness Shopping At Target
Trying on shoes
These are the last size 7 it's basically destiny. I have to get them because I'm going to go get one of those job things.
Make-up restocks
One of these days I'll learn how to actually put on makeup, so it's good to be prepared in case that moment ever happens.
Why is it that the groceries are always unhealthy and more time is always spent in the wine aisle?
Home, decor and office detour
This new pillow would really help feng shui my apartment, so would this couch though. Maybe both?
Actually grabbing the essentials
Remembering what you came into Target for in the first place when you walk past it. Turns out if you're there long enough you probably will grab most of the things you needed, although with everything you want.
Standing in line reading the magazine headlines
News about marriages, deaths, and births. But most people who claim they were "on a break"
Asking to be a Red-Card Member
Once deciding to commit to the red-card status I will forever feel that the 5% saving is worth what some might say is credit card debt. I love you but I hate this question.
Post check out feels
Finally checking out and even though the bill is more then you imagined it would be (every single time) you can't help but feel joy over all your new stuff.
Finally leaving the store with all your goodies
Pulling a Rachel Green and basically becoming the assistant buyer.