With grocery stores today, there are enough overwhelming decisions to make. Do you buy the bigger glass jar of mayonnaise or do you pay an extra dollar for the squeeze bottle with a cap? The aisles are filled with shelves stocked to the brim with fancy labels and pretty jars. They push the more expensive products to the front and tie bows on them for customers to reach down and grab with no effort. Before you go and grab the most eye-catching product, I ask you to consider one more thing. Maybe you are paying money for something that isn't even worth it and ultimately is making someone very high up, rich. Taking a few extra minutes to look past the over the top decorations and for something that might be local. Purchasing items like this might be less appealing but overall support a much better cause.
Locally produced food is something that you can make a difference with. It impacts both where you live and the people you are surrounded by. You make a connection with your own community simply by supporting the local farmers and businesses close to you. For example, fresh produce that is grown locally, provides jobs in your community. You purchasing this produce raises their revenue and as a result, they can provide more jobs. Just from small considerations, you can grow closer to the people around you.
In most cases, these local farms and businesses will donate to other places within the community whose goals are to help those in need. It's really a cycle of positivity that affects multiple groups. If you purchase produce that is locally produced and that source donates it to the food bank to a family who can't afford groceries every week, you have made an impact in helping end hunger. There are so many beneficial impacts that purchasing locally produced food can have.
If there is any convincing reason to buy organically produced food it's this one. It's so good for your body. Especially local produce, has vitamins and hasn't been sitting in boxes for days while being shipped over the Atlantic ocean. The produce and crops that are grown locally is kept far away from any sort of enhancing chemicals or pesticides. There are no risks in having any harmful chemicals in your body when you buy these products.
Buying locally produced food can be summed up by mostly positives on a large scale but, there are a few downsides. Not only does local food taste better but, it is healthier for your body and the environment. The freshness of this food is healthier than anything else sold at your grocery store and the benefits that it has on your local community are outstanding. Buying local food rather than from large corporations is how connections are made in a community to make it only grow stronger. It brings people together and gives them the opportunity to make a difference. Simply buying something small at your supermarket could help a family in your community who can't afford to have access to these food choices. It's a better choice that leads to a better lifestyle.