We all know what’s hot in the news right now. We all know the details of the police officer who shot a man while he was sitting in his car. We all know of the retaliation taken in Dallas, but what purpose did all of these things serve? People died. Feelings of anger rose up in all people. Disgust is present in my mind today as I write about this topic. How could we as a human race let this happen. I want to be absolutely clear, we LET this happen. We make the choice to give attention to these issues but not actually do anything to solve this problem. Should the officer have shot the man that he pulled over? In my opinion, no. Now I’m sure this is the same opinion that a lot of people out there have. Should the shooting in Dallas have been committed in retaliation to the officer? Once again, in my opinion, no. While I see a line of reasoning behind what the shooter did, when did it become our job to take what we see as justice into our own hands? How did killing those men, who had nothing to do with the officer in Minnesota except that they too were police officers, solve anything? The officer in Minnesota will get what he has coming to him, he will have to answer for what he has done. Now the man who killed 5 officers will also have to answer for what he has done. How is he any better than the police officer who murdered another man? He did what he did for revenge, and now 6 families are without a father, husband, son, brother, and uncle. He and the people who support him have officially become part of the problem in America. Those of us who sit around are adding kindling to the fire because we choose to do nothing about it. We read about it on social media and then everyone begins to take sides.
“He was right”
“No, He was right.”
These are the things that we say to each other. Friendships are lost and relationships ruined because everyone feels like they need to take a side. The reality is, regardless of the color of someone’s skin, WE ARE ALL PEOPLE!! We all deserve to live her peacefully. No one deserves their right to life more than another person. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, what job you go to every day, what color of pigment you have, or how often you shower. NONE OF THESE THINGS MATTER! We are all people and we are such a melting pot here in America, why can’t we embrace that? Why do we have to create conflict among ourselves and divide our citizenship in two when we need to unite and fight these atrocities together. Both parties were in the wrong in this situation and everyone needs to come to that conclusion before anything can be done. Stop trying to find and outside source that is tearing the American people apart, because we as American citizens are tearing ourselves apart.