6. Line: I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together. | The Odyssey Online
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I Tried To 'Shoot My Shot' 16 Times On Dating Apps And It Didn't Go As Planned

I used strategies and lines from college students, and it didn't go as I would've thought.

I Tried To 'Shoot My Shot' 16 Times On Dating Apps And It Didn't Go As Planned
Photo by Jae Park on Unsplash

In case you missed my last article, I asked college students how they 'shoot their shot' and took notes of the responses. I wanted to get some 'game' on, and I figured, what better time than during quarantine? So, I decided I would try them out for myself, and it did not go the way I thought it would.

Warning: This is a rollercoaster of events. From funny to downright cringe, you have been warned!

1. Strategy: Asking for movie recommendations on my story

I started off a little shy and with an easy one, so I posted on my story asking for movie recommendations! It gave me a few responses.

2. Line: Have I met you before? You look familiar.

Okay this one was a long shot, but it kind of worked? I used it again later!

3. Strategy: Straight up honesty! 'Hey you seem fun/interesting and I would like to get to know you better."

Well... I thought this was a good strategy, but as we can see, it didn't work for me..

5. Strategy: Being honest... again 

I had faith in this strategy, so I tried it again. Wouldn't you know it, it works!

5. Line: You look familiar!... Part 2

I thought this was a good line to use, considering I actually did know who I had matched with! (& it came with a compliment tee hee!)

6. Line: I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together. 

I thought this was a cheesy line, and I was nervous to even send it! As we can see, with good reason, because this is a terrible line. (Seriously, please don't use this one).

7. Line (For the Aggies): Hopefully we can hold hands twice at A&M so it becomes a tradition. 

Yeah I knew this was cheesy too, so Ags, don't use this one either. (Seriously).

8. Strategy: Movie recommendations 

Since I tried it on my story, I figured I would try to text someone asking for movie recommendations! It worked.

9. Strategy: Be bold! 

I didn't get to message first, but I tried to be a little bold with the response.. Maybe too bold? Still waiting for a response..

10. Strategy: Ask a specific question so it doesn't look weird. 

I decided to point out something relevant on their profile, and it ended up starting a conversation!

11. Strategy: Compliment them! 

I always love a good compliment, and I love giving them out too! So this was a nice exchange.

12. Line: Hey, I like your face. 

Um... this didn't go as I expected..

13. Strategy: Compliment them. 

I tried it a third time... maybe three times isn't the charm?

14. Strategy: Be bold. 

Maybe I don't have this whole 'being bold' thing quite down yet.

15. Strategy: Using humor (Election Special). 

Too soon to make jokes?

16. Strategy: Compliment them (Election Special). 

I did, and it worked. We even started a conversation about the elections, until it all went downhill fast. (Immediate unmatch).

So I didn't find my prince charming, but now I know what not to say when I meet him!

Keep searching and trying love birds, don't give up just yet!

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