What is a "shoobie?" Many of you might not know what they are and might not even care because it does not affect you or your living area, some say they are a problem and some are not even worried about them or their actions but many are recently hurt by their shellfish and sloppy behavior.
A shoobie is a term people use to describe tourists who come to visit the shore and particularly the beaches for a day or during holidays such as fourth of July and Memorial day weekend.
This term is mostly used in South Jersey for all of the tourist who come and visit, we recently celebrated memorial day weekend and people came from all around from New York to Chicago it was unbelievable, the boardwalks were extremely packed from Atlantic City, Ocean City and lets not get started with Wild Wood.
Do not get me wrong we welcome you all with open arms and to give you the "jersey shore" experience you deserve but recently after the memorial day weekend celebration was done the shoobies all flew away like a bunch of seagulls leaving the beaches horrific, plastic cups, old food, and trash just everywhere and surprisingly not one thing in the garbage can.
It is gonna cost a lot of money to clean up what was all destroyed, they are visitors and this is our home we can not just get up and go like them, how would they like it if we went to basically their house with hundreds of our friends went and partied caused disturbances and ruined their beautiful happy place?
They would not appreciate it one bit so why would they think it's okay to come to our home and do the same exact thing? I am not writing this article to bash our visitors and make sure you do not come back, I am writing this to inform and to spread awareness to you all that it is not okay to come and just trash our home and just leave we deserve respect just as your home does.
We are more hurt than furious about these actions, we appreciate all the great business that they bring to our cities, they help keep them alive and South Jersey is one of the biggest tourist attractions that a lot of businesses work to keep them all coming back. But it is kinda hard to want you all back when you just come and destroy everything.
Like I have said before all we are asking for is a little bit of respect for our home. We appreciate you all and everything you do for our businesses to help keep them alive but the only thing that is left to say from me and our fellow residents of South Jersey is PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE clean up your act or do not come back!