There are many things I could say to you Shonda Rhimes. Things such as, why are you such a genius when it comes to writing a thrilling yet emotional TV show? "Grey’s Anatomy" is taking the nation by storm, and it has been for almost 12 years now. The series follows Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) and her journey to becoming the best doctor she can be.
Shonda Rhimes, you have a way of writing that can either piss off or make a viewer immensely happy. Shonda, we all understand that sometimes actors feel it is their time to leave the show but is killing them absolutely necessary? Okay, yes you didn't kill Christina Yang or Preston Burke or Izzie Stevens, but you kill off all the characters we hold near and dear to our hearts.
George O’Malley. We all know what happened behind the scenes that caused T.R. Knight (George) to leave, and if you don't, look it up... it is a long story. George O’Malley was the character every girl fell in love with, even if no one in the show would. He was a kind soul and when it was discovered he was the man who ran in front of a bus, I, among many others, couldn't help but scream an array of profane language at my TV. Why George? Why couldn't he have just left for the army and that was the end of it? Was it necessary to kill him? Apparently to you, Shonda, it was.
Denny Duquette. What else can I say? When Denny made it through his miraculous heart transplant after all he's been through, of course, a tiny blood clot would bring him to his demise. All viewers watched as Izzie laid on the bathroom floor because she lost the love of her life. Then, Shonda, you had the gall to bring him back as a ghost, who told Izzie she has cancer. Granted, she did survive said cancer, thank Jesus. But still nice, Shonda, nice. You have no filter when it comes to making your audience cry.
Lexi Grey and Mark Sloan. Where in your right mind did you think killing off both these characters in the most brutal way possible, a plane crash, was a good idea? Not only did I once again scream and shout an array of profane language yet again, I almost threw something at my TV. They were the cutest couple I have ever seen and when Lexi confessed her love to Mark an episode before, I had a shred of hope that they would end up together, then you killed her. Of course being the "Grey’s Anatomy" junkie that I am, I kept watching, only to discover you killed Mark as well. It's almost like you want me to stop watching the show, but it is impossible to stop.
Derek. Shepherd. Why? If you don't know the reason for Shonda’s decision to kill off Patrick Dempsey’s character, you should look it up, because it is very ironic. No matter the reason, this death is what caused a good bit of Grey’s lovers to stop watching. The loss of Derek Shepard caused a whirlwind of people protesting his death. It is one of the saddest deaths you will ever see on Grey’s, and I am sure you are proud of it, Shonda.
Shonda, you are a genius. You know exactly when and how to kill off a character to ensure not only will fans be pissed, but they will also keep watching the show. You have killed off enough characters to gain serial killer status, and it probably won't stop you from taking more. I have not started the 12th season, but when I do, I hope you do not disappoint me.