When you force yourself
to stay awake
until 3 a.m.
in order to finish
an essay about pineapples
for Creative Nonfiction Workshop
but actually end up watching
LifetimeChristmas movies
because writer’s block
& the struggle is real,
just buy some shoes
& forget about it.
When you’re walking
to class with a fresh cup
of steaming hot coffee
mixed with sugar-free caramel vanilla creamer
& the lid unexpectedly pops off
& scorches your hands
& makes a big hot mess out of you & the lobby
turn around
go back home
brew a new cup of coffee
& buy a killer set of red stilettos.
When you wake up one day
& all of a sudden so-and-so
doesn’t love you anymore,
go back to bed,
blast Justin Bieber's new album
& buy a new pair of teal oxfords.
When the semester is ending
& grades are crashing
& Paris is being bombed
& ISIS has everyone scared to leave the house
& there’s no bananas left in the produce aisle
& all the washing machines are busy
& Netflix won’t stop buffering
& you miss your puppy
& your friend has been diagnosed with cancer
& you answer with the wrong conjugation of viajar en la clase de Espanol,
just click proceed to checkout
confirm your order
& anticipate the arrival
of the seven different variations
of lace-up boots.