In 2013, 9.4% of the population were doing drugs, and sadly that number continues to rise. Unfortunately, the only time drugs are ever mentioned is when someone dies. Once a tragedy happens, posters are put up and people talk about it. At that point, it's too late. It's too late to talk about something after a tragedy strikes. We have to try and prevent as much as we possibly can. Our future is in our hands and not stepping up from the beginning, will diminish our future.
A pretty close friend of mine started off totally against drugs. He despised the people that did any type, but eventually that view was somehow flipped. My friend went through rough times, and was totally convinced that drugs could help. That's a common misconception, however. Drugs don't help fix any problems, unless they’re prescribed and taken correctly. It saddens me to think that he felt there was nothing else. My friend thinks that drugs are a way out of bad times, but in reality they just create more problems. Where i live, heroin is at an all time high and is one of the most dangerous drugs. While i hope and pray he doesn't do that, he still isn't always the safest.
Dear Friend,
You may think I judge you. The truth is I just want to know why. I want to know why you relied more on pills than on your friends and family. Touching drugs to begin with, was a terrible decision for your life. No matter what drug you take, it's harder to stop the more you take it. When you took xanax before, i was really scared. Xanax is one of the most addictive drugs there is. And when you took it, you couldn’t even remember where you are and you ended up lost. You didn't reply to any of our messages and it was the scariest thing. I think you underestimate the amount that people care for you.
It's hard to see how bent out of a shape you get from these, and it's even harder to tell you to stop. You got depressed days after you took the xanax, and you didn't know why, and i did some research. Apparently, after taking xanax your body starts to rely on it, and without it in your system, it made you not feel so good. Just like any other drug, your body becomes dependent on it the more and more it has. The same goes for most things. Your body wants and when it doesn't get what it wants, it starts to make you pay the price for it. You're deteriorating your body, and it scares me. You have so much potential to make it huge in this world, for you're incredibly smart and often come up with brilliant ideas. Apply this knowledge to everything. You know deep down, that what you do isn't healthy, and i want you to bring that up and realize it. This doesn't make you cool, nor does it help your life in any way. You cant follow any of your huge plans by taking this path. Please read this and let it soak in. Don't just let it go in one ear and out the other. I'm very proud of everything you have done up to these points, please let that continue.
A Scared Friend Who Cares.
If you or someone you know, is struggling with an addiction or struggling to stop before an addiction occurs, the following resources are available to help:
- 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
(SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.)
- 800-331-2900
(Alcohol Hotline Support & Information)
There are many resources to help. Don’t let it go too far, get help, stop, and realize your potential.