She walks among you, just another face in the crowd. Nothing stands out about her, she wears no cape or crown….
But she’s a superhero.
She knows how you’re feeling the moment you walk in the door. When you’re angry, she feels the tension in the air. ‘Vibes’ aren’t hippy talk to her, they’re as real as the nose on her face. She can feel your emotions just as strongly as her own. Without having to say a word, she knows when you’re happy, sad, stressed, or upset.
Because she’s a superhero.
Like any superhero, she cares. When she feels negative vibes, she does her best to make them go away by being happy, positive and uplifting. ‘Good vibrations’ aren’t just lyrics in a song to her, they’re necessary to her life.
She can’t survive without them.
Negative emotions are her kryptonite. ‘Bad vibes’ can swallow her whole if she doesn’t fight against it. It’s a daily struggle in a world filled to the brim with emotive people.
He’s angry.
They’re depressed.
He’s lost.
They’re elated.
She feels all of it, knows your heart without ever speaking to you.
Sometimes she wishes her superpower was flight. Transport is the greatest struggle for her. All of the vibes, good and bad, swirling around in the confined space of a bus, train, or car. Sometimes, it threatens to destroy her; the sullen look of the worn man by the door, the heavy heart of the old woman wearing black, the desperation of the teary-eyed teenager staring at his phone. It batters her, as real as any physical punch, and drains her of her energy.
Her fortress is her safety, a place free of vibes and energy, where the only emotions she has to deal with are her own. Here, the air is clear. Here, she has a chance to confront herself. But a superhero can never save herself.
She’s a superhero.
She’s an empath.