She’s somewhere on a beach
with the sand between her paint chipped toe nails.
She plays in the water
Pretending she’s a mermaid or a seahorse.
She’s somewhere on a boardwalk
on a Ferris wheel I told her was safe to ride.
She’s somewhere in a field
On bright green grass freshly mowed.
Her cleats are worn out, but perfect
Curls are bouncing in a tight blond ponytail.
She’s on a pathway, the ground is burning hot.
Her bicycle wheels scratch across the sidewalk
She can be heard a block away
A million years away, even.
First it’s the giggles as they bob up and down
Then there are the voices of that new boy band
She’s singing along.
She’s off on a rollercoaster
Tears streaming down her face, it’s going so fast
She’s so happy.
She’s at a concert, in a stadium
It’s dark but the lights are incredible
Her face is shining and she’s screaming along.
She’s on a mountain, bundled up on a ski lift
The snow machines get snow on her face
All over her goggles and in her mouth.
She laughs it off and carries on.
She throws a dog a chew toy
And hugs him when he comes back.
She’s sprinting towards freezing cold water
She’s bundled up when she gets out
Her hair’s soaked, lips are blue, and teeth chatter
But she’s smiling.