The adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle's detective comes back for its fourth season on January 1, 2017. But with the two years fans have waited from the last full season, and a year since the special, we're eager for any information to tide us over for the next two weeks.
Once again, viewers have to applaud the show's method of revealing information. Leading up to series 3, we saw the appearance of hearses scattered throughout London, with the name "Sherlock" and the air date spelled in floral arrangements through the window. The hashtag "SherlockLives" could be seen in the front.
The method of information reveal this time was far less morbid, and much more adorable, with the show taking out an ad in The Telegraph to announce the birth of John and Mary Watson's baby, who was revealed to be named Rosamund Mary Watson. The column was signed as taken out by Mrs. Hudson, Molly, and Sherlock.
Later in the day, a few pictures dropped of the happy family.
As for the episodes themselves, we have the episode titles for all three and the basic synopsis for the first two. The first episode is entitled "The Six Thatchers", and according to the BBC's website, a case that perplexes the Scotland Yard has Sherlock hooked on a trivial detail: Why are pictures of Margaret Thatcher being destroyed? The synopsis also hints at a deeper issue that will presumably be the series' through line, and makes a mention of Mary's mysterious past.
The second of the three episodes has been titled, "The Lying Detective," and Sherlock will take on Culverton Smith, said to be "perhaps the most chilling enemy of his long career." The précis refers to Culverton as "unassailable," but that begs the question: Is he more powerful than chilling fan-favorite Moriarty?
The third and final episode remains a mystery, with only a title: "The Final Problem." Fans can't help but remember the title that seems to hearken back to "The Reichenbach Fall."