This week I want to address some of the music that I have been hearing on the radio. Don't get me wrong, they are really catchy tunes and you will see me singing along or dancing around my room to them, but some of them don't seem to be spreading across the right meaning in my opinion. Feel free to disagree with me, this is just an opinion.
Let me get one thing straight first: I am a feminist, but I am not this:
Not all feminists do these things, some do because it's their choice but that doesn't define a feminist. A feminist to me is just someone looking for women to have equal rights as men. I want equal pay for the same job, equal opportunities, and to prove that you don't always need a man to take care of you.
This last point brings me to the songs I would like to talk about: "Saved" by Ty Dolla $ign featuring E-40 and "No Role Modelz" by J.Cole.
What I first want to talk about is "Tryna get saved, she wanna get saved, I ain't gonna save her." I think this sets back women a good amount because it is still in the mind of some people (including women) that they need to be taken care of by men. I could be reading way too much into this, but the message this is trying to send is that women only want guys for their money because they can't provide for themselves. Sometimes this could be the case, but for a lot of women it isn't. In this day and age women can get careers and be the ones providing for their family. There is such a thing as a stay at home dad and there is nothing wrong with it.
"No Role Modelz" by J.Cole isn't much better in some of the lines, but what I do like is that he says, "Don't save her, she don't wanna be saved." Boom. Right there he says the truth. There is not damsel in distress that needs to be saved by their night in shining armor. Women have the power to be their own knight in shining armor. This doesn't mean that you have to be single to feel like you are providing for yourself and that you don't need a man to do so. I have a job at school and at home so am able to buy whatever I need or want, but that doesn't mean I'm going to refuse when he offers to buy me things like food. I mean what girl would refuse food that you don't have to pay for? I still believe in romantic gestures such as this or opening the door for someone or taking them out on dates, I just believe that they aren't absolute necessities for survival.
Like I said, I could be taking that song the wrong way, but in my opinion it degrades women and makes them out to be helpless. This whole article could have just been a giant rant of mine, but oh well!