Shaun White's Glo Up: A Timeline | The Odyssey Online
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Shaun White's Glo Up: A Timeline

How World Famous Snowboarder went from Flying Tomato to Hot Tamale

Shaun White's Glo Up: A Timeline

Shaun White. 3X Team USA Olympic Gold Medalist. Half Pipe extraordinaire and (at one point) hair icon.

In past years, many recognized Shaun White as the "flying tomato," due to is naturally long, red flowing locks


Originally, White's hair wasn't totally out of control. He was a youthful snowboarder dude who had just won his first Olympic Gold at the Torino Games. At 19, his face was still that of a child, but inside he knew there was much more in store for the future. Not only in snowboarding, but his aesthetic.

Fast forward a couple years and White took his brand as the "flying tomato" to whole new level by stepping out in 2008 with natural beach waves that every girl wishes for.

Not yet, had White achieved heart-throb status, but like a Pokemon had started to evolve. This photo, taken just 2 years after his first Winter Olympic games displays White's face beginning to mature and street-style taking on new levels.

Though continuing to make a name for himself athletically in the skateboarding and snowboarding scene after the 2010 games, it was not until before the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics that Shaun White came back into the public eye. And he had news to share.

With the loss of his hair came the loss of a chance to remain the best snowboarder in the game. At the Sochi Olympics, Shaun was unable to make it on the podium. In this transition from young to old Shaun was caught in an existential whirlwind.

Though his glo-up was coming full circle, he had not yet been able to become what he was meant to be. A hot tamale.

This past week, Shaun emerged, as if he had risen from the dead and won his third Olympic Gold medal at the Pyeongchang Winter Games. He had finally reached his peak. Finally, he had completed the evolution from "flying tomato" to hot tamale.

(I don't know if Shaun will ever coin the name, but if you're reading this Shaun, I just want you to know it comes from the heart).

Shaun White has graced us with beauty at the start of 2018 and I hope there is much more to come. His journey was long, strenuous, and painful. But, Shaun still remains one of the biggest athletes in the world.

Who would have thought that Shaun White could be one of the most recognized athletes without his luscious locks?

With athleticism, hair, and mature attitude on point. Shaun has graced us with the best glo-up. Will we ever know how he did it? Was it the hair? Was it style? Does he just age like a fine wine?

Whatever it is, work it Shaun.

You're doing amazing sweetie.

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