My Shattered Heart Aches in Your Memory
My shattered heart aches in your memory.
I feel like I’m stuck in a nightmare
And I can’t wake up.
I dream of your motherly touch
And how you used to kiss away all my pain.
I yearn to feel your warm hugs
And hear your soothing voice.
I get buried deeper into thoughts of
Loneliness and darkness.
My shattered heart aches in your memory.
Even though I miss you,
I’m infuriated with you.
You used to heal all wounds,
Now all you do is create them.
As if I’m not your little girl anymore,
But more like old furniture you’ve left behind.
I will always love you, you birthed me, raised me,
But when you left, you left with a part of me.
I’m stuck in a body with an anonymous soul.
This is not the same girl I used to know.
My shattered heart aches in your memory.