I have been a witness to two types of reactions when one steps onto campus. The first reaction is a fear of making new friends. Our minds begin to list the catastrophes that can develop in those three seconds of meeting someone new because you don't know how they will accept you or how your first impression will be, so you have a little bit of an anxiety attack, but afterwards, you realize you have this whole socializing down by the third week of school. Suddenly, your fears become little ants and you open a little bit, but not too much.
The second reaction, I call "The Explosion." Yes, "The Explosion." This type of reaction is a complete change from being shy to breaking through the insecurities to becoming a bubbly extrovert. With no time to think, you jump right in, making the effort to make friends and push yourself to new heights.
Of course, everyone reacts differently, but these were the two types of reactions that I personally observed and experienced.
The friendships that have helped me grow are with some of my classmates and teammates who have challenged me to take a step back and evaluate what I believe in. I was able to find friends that took the time, aside from their studies, to sit down and study God's word with me and pray with me, as well as open my eyes to things that I have never thought about when it came to God's word.
College is great! (I am not getting paid to say this, just want to put that out there).
To say friendships (that form in college) will last forever would be stretching the truth. God brings people into our lives, sometimes for the rest of our lives, other times only for a period of time.
The writer of Proverbs 27:17 wrote: "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." God created friendship so that we may sharpen each other in wisdom and challenge each other to think beyond the surface.
In every stage of life, God seems to bring people to you that will sharpen you and bring you closer to Him.
He knows who you need the exact moment you need them.