"Pstttt, I have something to tell you! You’ll never guess what happened." That is the start of many conversations with friends that normal people seem to think is too much information! However as the good friend that I am, I have taken the old school sharing is caring motto to express to my friends everything so that there is minimal room for questioning – you get the story straight! Despite the fact that it’s 2016 some people seem to be prudish about sharing details that cross the appropriate boundary, whatever that is! I’m here to tell you that as your friend, consider yourself to have my full trust when I tell you more than my mom, doctor, or therapist. This is my way of showing our friendship has full transparency.
Over-sharing can make you a better friend for a multitude of reasons.
1. Your Secrets Are Stronger Than Pinky Swears
Honestly, when you share a lot of information your friend won’t want to repeat it to other people because it is either 1) Way too gross for anyone else to know or 2) The details of the story are so good that it’s best that they don’t get the details wrong. Gone are the days of pinky swears because your bond is way too strong and it’s comforting knowing that you can act as a human diary!
2. It Can Easily Brighten Someone’s Day
Sometimes WTF moments happen throughout the day that is just so bizarre you can’t help laugh at yourself. So what to do in this instance? Share the embarrassing moment with your friend and allow them to at least get a good laugh out of it as well!
3. You Don’t Sound Shady
My biggest pet peeve is when I ask someone for all the details and somehow they’re finished with the story after 30 seconds – I said ALL the details! When you’re not upfront about why you’ve been MIA or what happened on your date the story just begins to seem a little unstable as you leave out more holes in attempt to be PC.
4. Awkwardness Is Not An Option
Do you feel awkward around your mother? No probably not and chances are that women knows a lot more than you think. Like I said, I share way more with my friends than her when it comes to detail and our unofficial nondisclosure contract has afforded me the luxury of speaking openly.
5. You Are Not Judgmental
In conjunction with the lack of awkwardness is the idea that you have built this trust and told your friend every little thing and know they aren’t judging you. Well maybe. It’s impossible not to judge. But after they get over their laughing fit or giving you the blank stare eventually they come around and except whatever it is you said!
6. There Is Impenetrable Trust
If I don’t share a lot with a specific friend then there are high chances that we are not that close. With being open and honest, even about the little things like how you blew up your toilet and that’s why you were late (I’ve gotten this text before), there comes a certain level of trust that is ridiculous. You trust them to be your bias party when needed or the friend that just gives it to you straight but most importantly that anything you tell them actually makes you guys closer!