How do you feel when someone tells you to share your testimony? The majority of us panic and become anxious. Heartbeats quicken to twice the pace, faces break out in cold sweat, bodies tremble with fear. Christians have developed a fear of sharing their testimony because they picture themselves centerstage, illuminated by bright stage lights, standing in front of many seats filled with eyes which fixate solely on them. We fear that others will judge us and scrutinize our lives or fall in the other extreme where we believe our story is simply not powerful.
Christians have created this idea of testimony, but what does the word actually mean? According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, the two, simplest definitions of testimony are "proof or evidence that something exists or is true" and "a formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law."
In this sense, testimonies can be used in apologetics and prove God exists when others try to disprove His existence. This idea is supported by 1 Peter 3:15, which says " but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect." There are different ways to defend our faith, but testimonies are one of these forms. The word Christians use coincides with the ideas in these definitions, but it is also a bit more elaborate.
The idea of testimony can be seen throughout the Bible. In Mark 5:19, Jesus told Legion to go home and tell others about how God took away his demons and restored his sanity. David proclaimed God's faithfulness, majesty, and righteousness throughout the Psalms, including in praise psalms like Psalm 146.
Christians often believe testimony only refers to the first moment they became saved. I personally accepted Jesus Christ at the young age of five and used to shy away when people asked me to share my testimony because I did not accept Jesus after battling an addiction or enduring other tough circumstances. However, the word today is used to describe the story of the ways God has worked in our lives and how we've grown since we first accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Testimonies also include describe God's faithfulness and recognize who he is.
Jesus called the people listening to his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5: 14-16 to be a light to the world and glorify God through the way they live their lives.
14“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
My life as a Christian significantly changed since I first enrolled as a Biola University student in 2014. I came into Biola having grown up in the church, yet I had not experienced significant spiritual growth throughout my 17 years of life. I started recognizing the ways God was faithful to me, but I did not live a life that truly reflected service and obedience as a follower of God.
Over the past two years, I have experienced tremendous spiritual growth and have completely changed as a person. Not only do I engage more in spiritual disciplines like prayer and spending time in God's word, but I authentically developed a lifestyle where I seek to lead others to Christ and use the gifts He gave me to serve His greater purpose.
However, I did not simply wake up one day and say " I'm going to be on fire for Christ today." I endured many hardships, battled anxiety and depression, lived through disappointments, watched things fall apart in front of me, sacrificed many things, and changed my lifestyle before transforming into the person I currently am.
My testimony describes all those moments that took place these past years, those events where God took a mess of clay and molded it into a beautiful jar that still retains its shape when outside forces crack its exterior. My story also includes the ways God has steadfastly supported me and remained faithful, even when I lost hope and doubted his power.
Testimonies are not only stories of God's wonderful works, but they are also the way we live now contrasted with our previous circumstances. Titus 3:3-7 beautifully sums up God's redemption and the ways he renews us as children of the Almighty God. We testify the God's power, redeeming grace, and our new identity in Jesus Christ simply through our actions and choices we make.
It is a definitely a testimony of God's power when we shower love upon those who hurt and betray us, when we choose to think positively and trust God as our lives fall apart at the seams, the moments we refuse temptations to fall back into our old habits or conform to the evils of this world.
Testimonies encourage others in their faith, and that is why it is highly crucial for Christians to share their testimony, even if they are new believers. You never how sharing about your experiences can help others facing the same obstacles, or how the new person you've become can inspire others who seek to discover the God that completely changed you.
These incredible stories don't have to be spoken in a crowded room over a speaker, but can simply arise during a conversation over a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Don't be afraid to divulge the messy details of your life with others — they may ultimately lead others to a relationship with God, one person at a time.