Time for an unpopular opinion or simply just one that isn't shared as often: sharing opinions can sometimes scare the living hell out of me.
As a person who sometimes struggles with her anxiety, when a conversation is struck up that is opinionated and intense, I completely dread the moment when someone turns to me and asks my take on everything. My mind fills with thoughts like "oh my god they are going to think I am uncultured" or "they're going to think I have no idea what I'm saying". I've been a part of many conversations where my opinion was completely shut down because it was simply different from someone else's and due to this happening numerous times, I have tucked my opinions deep inside of me.
Trust me, I am aware of how completely ridiculous and even childish that is, but it is something I struggle with overcoming. Right now, our society is swarming with strong opinions left and right and I can feel myself dodging risky conversations or being that person who suggests we just discuss something else.
I have to be completely comfortable with either you or the situation to feel open enough to share my true opinion. Most of the time, hiding behind paper or a phone and sharing my opinions through those mediums makes it easier for me to share my true thoughts.
I want to be able to be open and opinionated in today's society because right now seems like an incredibly exciting time to be involved in world-changing conversations. I just find it hard because of my experience in the past where it felt like my opinion didn't matter or had no value since it was simply different.
We need to be more open as a society to different opinions because it will broaden our views and give us a new perspective. I am not asking you to agree with me or coddle me, just to listen. I want to live in this world knowing I voiced my opinions and joined conversations that are changing our future.
I can't be the only person out there who feels this way and all it takes is a little encouragement and an open mind to make someone like me comfortable. Who knows? Maybe my opinions or ideas or yours could change the world. All we have to do is listen.