Through a captivating mixture of drama and humor, “Shameless” follows a dysfunctional family from the south side of Chicago as they deal with a variety of relatable, real-life issues. In a time of social and political unrest, this television series addresses several relevant issues, making it a must-see. With every character comes a new obstacle and a new lesson for audiences worldwide.
1. Frank Gallagher
Frank, a selfish deadbeat dad, reveals the effects of long-term alcoholism. From tearing his family apart to leaving him with a failing liver, addiction has run Frank’s life into the ground and made him a neglectful, sometimes abusive parent. If he teaches viewers anything, it’s how to party and enjoy the hand you’re dealt.
2. Lip Gallagher
Lip, who represents an inverse of Frank, allows alcohol addiction to ruin his college career and relationships before finally treating his condition through rehabilitation. Lip also shows that where you come from does not have to limit your potential or define your future. You are never too old to start over.
3. Monica Gallagher
Monica, the children’s mother, exhibits the way in which a mental illness can consume a person’s life if left untreated. Monica suffers from bipolar disorder as well as drug addiction, which together lead her to mercilessly abandon her family for prolonged periods of time. Like Frank, Monica shows audiences how to live your life to the fullest and make the best of your situation.
4. Ian Gallagher
Ian, who represents an inverse of Monica, also suffers from bipolar disorder but chooses to seek help and get medication. By moving on and becoming an EMT, Ian shows that mental illness does not have to hold you back from achieving your goals. Ian is also gay, showing that it’s okay to be open and proud of who you are. The Gallaghers easily accept his sexuality, expressing the importance of a supportive family.
5. Mickey Milkovich
Mickey, Ian’s on-and-off love interest, who is constantly in and out of incarceration, spends years hiding his sexuality from his homophobic father. When he finally confesses the truth, Mickey reveals the importance in accepting and loving who you are. He is finally able to be free (as Ian says) and comfortable in his own skin. His coming-out also helps transform Mickey from a verbally abusive sex-buddy to a supportive, caring partner for Ian.
6. Trevor
Trevor, a temporary love interest of Ian’s, sheds light on the LGBTQIA community. As a transsexual, Trevor is comfortable in his sexuality and teaches Ian the importance of respecting all variations of sexual identities. Like Ian and Mickey, Trevor shows viewers that your sexual orientation does not define you as a person, and it’s important to love who you are.
7. Sheila Jackson
Sheila, who suffers from severe agoraphobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder, shows that mental conditions can be overcome and a happy life is possible. Viewers watch as Sheila steps out of her comfort zone (literally) and overcomes her fears. Her character also sheds light on the BDSM lifestyle, letting audiences know that sexual expression and experimentation is not something to be ashamed of.
8. Fiona Gallagher
Fiona, a hard worker and the oldest of the Gallagher children, has raised her siblings from childhood, showing the importance of responsibility. At twenty-one, Fiona even took legal custody of her siblings, expressing her dedication and the importance of putting your family before yourself. Like Lip, her character also begins showing that where you come from does not define you or your potential.
9. Debbie Gallagher
Debbie, a teen mom, reveals the consequences of life and shows audiences how to take responsibility for their actions. Although Debbie’s priorities sometimes seem to be in disarray, she is always thinking of Franny’s (her daughter) future.
10. Carl Gallagher
Carl, who transforms from bullying and dealing drugs to enrolling in military school, shows how open the future is. After discovering that his girlfriend cheated on him, Carl also shows viewers how to move on from the past and better yourself.
11. Kevin Ball
Kevin, the Gallaghers’ neighbor, cares about them like they’re his own family. His character shows viewers how to truly love someone, through thick and thin, as well as how to be a father. Kev does things for Veronica that most would never even consider, like impregnating her mother when V was unable to have children.
12. Veronica Fisher
Veronica, Kev’s lover, shows how to be a loyal friend, as she listens and offers advice to others, specifically Fiona. Furthermore, although it is never confirmed, V also seems to reveal the symptoms and struggles of Postpartum depression following the birth of her twins.
Through a diverse cast of characters, “Shameless” ultimately sends a message of acceptance to individuals of all races, sexualities, backgrounds, and lifestyles. The series also reveals the importance of family and shows that it’s okay to make mistakes because no one’s life is perfect, especially not the Gallaghers’.