When we aren't at class, studying, or out with friends, we are probably binge-watching Shameless on Netflix. If you've seen Shameless, you know that there are constantly conflicts emerging and quick, high-stakes decisions being made. College can be a rocky part of life, filled with some of the highest highs and the lowest lows. What better show could represent the major ups and downs of college life than 'Shameless'? Here are 17 times Shameless GIFs accurately described college life.
1. When you realize you'll spend the majority of your career paying off your education:
College education is a scam. It also happens to be a mandatory scam (depending on the job you want to have) that could determine the route of the rest of your life. If you have a dream job that happens to require a college degree, it's a necessary evil. But if you are truly passionate about your dream job, it'll all be worth it in the end, right? Let's hope so.
2. When you eat food from the dining hall for the first time:
Speaking of scams, spending around a little under a thousand dollars a semester for a meal plan was one of the biggest mistakes of my freshman year.
3. When someone in your group takes complete control of the group project:
Being put in a group with people who aren't willing to contribute anything to a project is the worst. But when someone else takes the lead and wants to do everything them self, how could you say no to that?
4. When you have a heart to heart conversation with drunk girls at a party and they shower you with compliments:
Drunk girls are the biggest confidence boosters. They instantly become best friends with everyone in their path and have good things to say about everyone.
5. Checking your bank account after a weekend out like:
Your wallet might not agree with your "work hard play hard" mentality, but you deserve to have some fun after a week of work.
6. When you fall for a frat boy's games and are genuinely surprised that he doesn't text you back:
Even though you've been warned, you still never see it coming.
7. When you finally get the courage to check your grades:
Is it too late to ask for extra credit?
8. When you wake up and find out that your first class of the day is cancelled:
That extra hour makes a huge difference.
9. When it's halfway through the semester and someone sits in the unassigned seat you've been sitting in all semester:
It's an unspoken rule. Don't be the person who breaks it.
11. When you realize you've been skipping class all semester and the final is in a week:
Is it possible to cram in an entire semester in two days? It's worth a shot.
13. When you get an A on something you didn't actually study for:
If only it happened more often.