Based off of a TV series in Britain, "Shameless" follows the story of the Gallaghers, a dysfunctional, low income family living on the south-side of Chicago. Alcoholic father, Frank, is always looking for a way to use, trick and manipulate others into giving him money for booze. Their bipolar mother ran off, returning wanting to make amends with her family, only to wander off when she loses interest. The oldest daughter, Fiona, is left to raise her 5 siblings by herself. There are many different things I love about this show. What I find most interesting is how each kid (except the baby) so perfectly embodies the different roles kids fall into when they have addicted and neglectful parents.
When children are left to raise themselves and their siblings, they often falling to roles to protect and care for themselves. These roles can be taken on by any age or gender. It more so depends on the relationships children share with one another.
The Hero
The Hero is the child that feels responsible for cleaning up their family’s messes. They feel that if they are not successful, then no one will be. Perfectionism is their approach, -- part of them wished they could count on their parents. However, they identify so strongly as the provider that they would not know what to do with themselves if they were no longer responsible for everyone.
Frank’s oldest daughter has taken care of her younger siblings financially and emotionally since she was 14. There has been multiple conversations during the series about how she never takes a break from her siblings, she consistently calls them her kids, and eventually takes custody of them. Fiona even says herself she her whole life is "those kids." If she were to step away from that responsibility she would feel like she has failed.
The Mascot
The Mascot channels their pain and ignored needs through humor, often vulgar and inappropriate. They often feel embarrassed by their family and, like The Hero, hope they can be better than their family. Unlike The Hero, they use humor and rebellion to escape.
Philip, or Lip, plays this role quite well. He is Frank’s oldest son and second born who's too smart for his own good. Surrounded by failing students, Lip’s 4.6 GPA ends up getting him a full ride to MIT. Often sarcastic and carefree, Lip covers his pain by pretending like he does not care about his future.
The Lost Child
The Lost Child is often the one most forgotten simply because they make less noise. They keep their nose down and try not bother anyone. They believe that if they voice their needs they will be a burden.
Ian embodies The Lost Child of the Gallagher family in that he is the most distant with his family by making them think he is ok. He repeatedly acts and tells his sister that nothing is wrong. It only when Lip goes through his personal things that we learn he is gay, but does not want to tell his family. He hides his sexuality so that his family does not have one more thing to worry about.
The Caregiver
The Caregiver is a lot like The Hero in that they feel an immense amount of responsibility. However, they feel the most responsible for keeping everyone happy. They feel that their family’s needs are greater than their own. This often leads to resentment and anger towards their family. They secretly wish that someone would put their needs first.
The youngest daughter Debby is up before everyone else helping her sister make lunches for the family before school. If Fiona is out Debby is right there to help with her siblings. Debby is also the first to forgive her father, Frank. She never gives up hope that her parents can change.
The Scapegoat
The Scapegoat is the family member that will actively and loudly cause trouble for the family. They seek attention negatively because that was the only way they even got attention at all. The Scapegoat provides a distraction from the substance abuser.
The second youngest, Carl, never ceases to get himself into trouble. He is consistently punished at school for bullying and he'll do anything that involves blowing something up. While just as lovable as the other characters, Carl will both rebel and protect his family in violent ways. He offers a distraction for the family from their alcoholic father.
Addiction is a terrible thing to put anyone you love through. Especially your children. They become dependent on anyone but you. The kids on Shameless use their roles to get by with as little as possible. Its not easy to watch knowing that many kids go through this daily and all deserve better.