Shaken hit the shelves on October 25th. With the semester behind me, I started break by giving it a read. Shaken is by far one of the most influential books I've read. It is impossible to recap it all in one article.
However, here are some points that Tebow could not be more right about:
"The dictionary defines identity as 'who someone is...' I like to say that identity comes not necessarily from who we are, but from whose we are. I am a child of God. My foundation for who I am is grounded in faith. In a God who loves me. In a God who gives me purpose. In a God who sees the big picture. In a God who always has a greater plan." (p. 28)
"... there are two people who show up to practice: the person who want to get better and the person looking to just get by. The first guy works hard, sweats, pours his energy into training, works on his agility, strength, and speed. The second guy basically just shows up... And while that first guy might not be the best overall, he is doing all he can to be his personal best. That's what matters!" (p. 80-81)
"We have to strive to live above our feelings, we must strive to live above our doubts, above our questions." (p. 95)
"God will never waste pain that's offered to Him... He is loving, He is sovereign, and that although your heart may be broken in a million pieces, He will never leave or forsake you. And He can and will use even the bad to orchestrate good." (p. 98)
"Trust God. Trust His heart. Trust that He loves you. Trust that He has a plan." (p. 99)
"You matter too much to God to be just like everyone else." (p. 130)
"If you focus on how much you hate those scars or those burns, you might miss the opportunity to encourage or inspire someone else who is going through a similar journey. If you feel like a weirdo because you're super shy, you might miss out on appreciating the gift of reflection God gave you. When you begin to accept how God purposely created you, you can begin to appreciate your uniqueness and allow Him to use those gifts." (p. 133)
"We must be proud of our accomplishments without letting them define us." (p. 138)
"When you stay put in your comfort zone, you don't grow. You don't stretch. You're not challenged. You stay the same." (p. 139)
"Your past doesn't define you. Your circumstances don't define you. From this day forward, let God define whose you are. You can be a child of God." (p. 203)
"Continue to fight. Continue to hope. Continue to have faith. I promise you, it's worth it." (p. 203)