Have you ever had one of those moments when you don't know what to believe? When you don't know whether or not the Lord can hear you, but you sue enough know that He's not exactly helping your situation?
Have you felt those times when everything "upstairs" seems a little too quiet to suit you, but you'd really like to know what the plan here is? Have you looked at a paycheck, a medical bill, a notice, and thought, "Lord, now'd be a great time, because I don't know what to do next"?
It's human nature to doubt, to be skeptical. We don't have to be taught it. It just happens. As a result, we find it hard to depend on the Lord's timing. We think, if He gets to control the plan, it might as well just be on my time schedule. We want to know every detail, every step. We struggle to step in faith, live in the moments the Lord has given us.
Joseph Solomon, a poet evangelist, in his piece "A Shadow of a Doubt", paints a picture of the doubt, distress, and eventual new hope we find in our own lives.