Made you look! Poor reader, you assumed this would article would contain sexual innuendos, explicit content, and raunchy objectives. You aren't entirely wrong. However, I will be opening your eyes to the wonderful world of equality. A place we have yet to reach and won't be reaching soon at the rate America is going...
Sexual inequality, also referred to as gender inequality is a state of injustice that has plagued our world since the dawn of labor and payment. Women all over the world face gender discrimination in health, education systems, the labor market and representation in politics. Women have always and still continue to fall short in receiving all the economic benefits and earnings they rightfully should receive. Furthermore, in comparison to their male counterparts, they do not receive the same amount of earnings when completing the same jobs in the same positions as men. Even though, considering success and aptitude. Women on average receive more college and graduate degrees than men.
What this all idiotically boils down to is if they have a penis hanging between their legs, or well, a vagina. Foolish right? How gender, of which you do not choose, can inherently be the determinant on whether you get paid more or less. Not solely your intellect, aptitude or skill set. But rather and also, if you have a Johnson or a cat.
Gender inequality has been a prominent injustice in our society and still continues to be in 2016
First things first, here are some hot n' heavy numbers: presently in the United states, women make 79 cents to every one dollar a man makes. That's an increase from 76 cents that the women of the year 2000 would receive. But really, three cent increase in 16 years?
1. Round One
Men! You clearly hold some sort of economic power. Why should you care? Several reasons. For starters, it benefits you and your careers. Research completed by The Catalyst shows that when companies are more gender equal they in turn are more successful. There is decreased job turnover, their specific labor market is happier and more proficient, also there are lower levels of attrition.
Let's get a little more personal shall we?
It benefits you in your everyday life. Would you want your wife, mom, sister, niece etc. to get paid less than the men at her job who have the same position that she does? I didn't think so. It's the 21st century and we have strayed away from the stereotypical family where the man goes to work and the woman stays home completing housewife duties. Now there are some expectations for both the woman and man to go out and have careers of their own. How can one be given this choice, this expectation, and be told: "oh sure you can go out and work, but Billy there, well he gets more".
2. Round Two: Climax
Here's a shocker(not)...
Let's assume women did make receive equal pay across the board. If this were the case the poverty rate for the women working class would be cut in half, seven million single mothers would get paid 17% more. Which would cause the poverty rate of families with single women to drop 15%? Most profitable for everyone is due to the circulation of money that would be increased, the U.S economy would generate and additional $450 billion, 2.9% GDP.
Boom. Pretty positive outcomes for doing the fair thing.
3.The Morning After
So that's it huh? You just got hit with cold hard facts, fast. Now, what? Should you accept what is and skate out? Or take in your new knowledge and come back for more? It's safe to assume that most people realize there is an inequality and injustice when it comes to women not getting paid as much for the same jobs as men. The first step to solving any problem is recognizing that there is one. Good job. But we are stuck, no one wants to make a move, whether it be because of self-interest or greed. To get unstuck we need to move on to the next step- actually solving the problem. In order to do that, we need unity. Unity of both genders. We need political changes and actively voiced opinions. Most importantly, we need tenacity. This is an issue that is going to take time, time has thing annoying things of weighing down hopes and effort when gratification isn't instantly received. Rome wasn't built in a day, it was built with time and dedication. The same concept applies to anything worth having and working towards, and it certainly applies with gender inequality.
Lastly, there's this stigma that women voicing opinions on gender equality are synonymous to men hating. Incorrect. We just want what we deserve. Is that a crime? No. But at this point, we're getting equality by all (legal) means necessary.
In the great words of Joan Crawford: