For a generation that’s becoming aware of the implications and the frequency of sexual assault, we are doing a terrible job preventing it.
1 in 6 women are sexually assaulted in the United States. Women ages 18-24 who are college students are 3 times more likely than women in general to experience sexual violence. (RAINN) "Nearly 1 in 10 women has been raped by an intimate partner in her lifetime. Approximately 1 in 45 men has been made to penetrate an intimate partner during his lifetime."
As a woman, these statistics are haunting because at at any point in time I could be apart of the statistic.
Women have to take precautions to be safe.
- Parking our cars in a well lit, well populated area
- Sometimes we need someone to walk to our car with us
- Being super aware of our surroundings and any suspicious looking man
- Having pepper spray or a whistle
These extra precautions are apart of every day for life for women and we have become desensitized to our extra steps for safety. They plague every woman and it’s completely common to be fearful of sexual assault. As a woman, I know it can happen at any time.
How sad is that?
I’m not saying that men aren’t sexually assaulted, however, I can only give the perspective that I have as a women.
Since I’ve been in college the amount of people I know that have been sexually assaulted is insane. I know at least 5 or more people. At least 5 of my friends and/or acquaintances are apart of the 1 in 6 statistic. I shouldn't even be able to count on one hand how many.
For those who are apart this statistic, I’m so sorry because you deserved more and still deserve more.
How do we change this?
In order to be change this, we have to be more aware, to realize that it’s okay to say no in the middle, to say NO always, and ultimately, for everyone to take a stand and realize that this isn’t okay.
Intellectually, we know that sexual assault isn’t okay. But the biggest question I have, is why does it keep happening?
So this bring us back to how do we change this?
To be completely honest, I don't know. But the one thing I can say is, be aware. In American society, we are so individualistically driven that we forget that we can cause harm to others, not just with words but mainly our actions.
I'm writing this because we need a change. I sincerely hope, that those who are victims of sexual assault, can see that change. I'm deeply sorry that you are apart of the 1 in 6, but mostly that this part of your past can't be erased.