Why Republicans Didn't Believe Sexual Assault Accusations Against Brett Kavanaugh | The Odyssey Online
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Dear Republicans Who Refuse To Acknowledge Sexual Assault Accusations Against Brett Kavanaugh

Why we should believe multiple sexual accusations against Brett Kavanaugh.


The two accusations of Brett Kavanaugh's sexual encounters proves the continuous misogyny and much alive sexual coercion and assault that still continue in high schools and colleges everywhere. When people think of a high school or college party, they often think of a gathering with smoking, drinking, and loud music. However, a growing association with these parties for women is the risk of sexual assault.

In the United States, parties are portrayed as a thriving rape and hookup culture. Clearly, Brett Kavanaugh's "early days" at Georgetown Prep were part of creating a culture at the school that objectified women and promoted "sexual conquest with girls."

In addition, references to girl(s) under the name "Renate" in Kavanaugh's, 1983 senior yearbook are secretive and suspicious. There are significant reasons to believe that throughout his high school and college career that Kavanaugh did assault a woman at one point. With the two women that have come forward about their sexual experiences with Kavanaugh, it is hard to make up a story about male genitals being thrust in your face without consent at a Yale college party. It is stupid and disrespectful at the least, to say the two accusations are false when something sexual clearly happened.

It is awful that some Republicans are not giving the accusers any chance or care about Kavanaugh's background of assault. Instead, they would rather win among party lines than have respect for women. This shows that white, male, Republicans could care less about women's voices. In addition, it's not like your position is so "grand" since you are supposed to be the Grand Old Party and lead your life in a Godly way. In fact, I'm pretty sure God doesn't want humans that he created to assault one another.

And no, Kellyanne Conway, assault anywhere will never be a "left-wing conspiracy." The Republican party does not respect women or their voices. They are providing an example to men that it is okay to use women as objects anytime and are determined to keep it that way. Those of you who continue to support Kavanaugh by ignoring the accusations, you are crazy. The point is, regardless of party, label, or differences, sexual coercion and sexual assault will always be wrong.

Teen Vogue published an article earlier this year of all the men in entertainment that have been accused of sexual assault or sexual harassment, along with the number of accusers per man. There are around forty men who make the list, including Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Aziz Ansari, and Ed Westwick, who played Chuck on "Gossip Girl." The article is centered around numerous accusations, which were true by women that went reported and unreported. Part of the reason why women are not believed is that they don't report the sexual assault or sexual harassment that happened to them at all or until years later. Lastly, I believe this is the reason Republicans refuse to give credibility to any sexual allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. We can stop this but must keep the conversation going.

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