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23 Guys Admit The Type Of Sexts They’d Actually Like To Receive

I don't even know where to begin.


There are firsts for everything and it's your time to play around with sexting and phone sex. It may feel intimidating, silly, or embarrassing having to be on your toes to figure out a clever, sultry response, but don't overanalyze it. Just type what your body craves.

Be daring and take the leap to send the first sext. Once the mood is set, you're good to go and even if you're stuck, take all the time you need to send a reply—you're texting, after all.

If you're not exactly sure what to say, here are 23 responses from guys on what they'd actually like to receive:

This isn't porn

"I wish I received sexts that were real. Not this fake 'build a fantasy that is like porn' stuff. I just wish they were showing they wanted me. I wish they weren't the stereotypical sexts that you could find in any fan fiction or raunchy teen novel. That makes the mood vanish and I feel like they don't actually want me and just need to get off" – age 19

Boobs, boobies, tatas, tits, the twins

"Hey big chungus ;)) you sexy bae" – age 21


"Maybe an abs pic, but that's it" – age 19

No fun

"None" – age 18

It's all about the climb

"I prefer sexting that builds up: cute flirting that takes a turn. I have never really been a fan of unexpected nudes, they're cool every so often but can be inappropriate at the wrong times. If I am playing back, then go for it, but if it's out of the blue, it will be appreciated but not as much as girls may think" – age 20

You're on my mind

"Random dick pics without context can be kinda jarring. Honestly, I'd be happy with a shirtless pic. Or a video of him masturbating with a 'thinking of you message'" – age 21

Remember "Titanic"

"I want you to draw me like one of your French girls" – age 23

This makes me uncomfortable

"Clever shit that makes your pussy pop" - age 19

All of the toes or just one?

"My greatest desire is to receive some toe sexts" – age 18

I feel like I have to apologize to this guy

"None. Literally none. Get off your fucking phone and go talk to someone and maybe actually have some sort of physical contact for a change" – age 19

This guy knows what's up

"Consensual" – age 21

The vulva?

"Yoni" – age 21

Bringing the fire to the table

"It's not what you say but the energy you bring to the table. People like different things. What's important is bringing energy, passion, lust to the sext. Don't say, 'I'd like that' or 'That's hot.' Say, 'I really fucking want that right now.' Same message different intensity" – age 20

And the special sauce?

"I have Chick-fil-A for you" – age 22

Gym bro

"I want to go to the gym with you and do the hardest, longest workout you've ever done" – age 23

He knows what he wants

"1. Your dinner will be on the bed when you get home. Don't keep me waiting. 2. Fill me up tonight. All my entrances are yours to play with my love. 3. Can't wait to taste you tonight. 4. I found a cute couple for us to play with later. You will love her ass." – age 28

 Everyone loves a good butt

"Booty pics! Also of bodies and chests." – age 18

When did 'daddy' become mainstream?

"I want you inside me, daddy and I want you to cum all over me." – age 17

Anything goes

"I don't really care, anything under the sun. Butt pics are nice tbh lol." – age 20

Exquisite taste

"A suggestive nude with melted chocolate dripping down her body and sliced strawberries on her nipple with a condensed milk drizzle." – age 22

The perfect pair

"I wrote you a love letter and bought you McDonalds nuggets, I'm on my way." – age 18

Words > pictures

"Flirty but not vulgar, and especially no photos." – age 19

 I was bound to get one of these

"Send nudes." – age 18

These responses have been lightly edited for length or clarity.

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