Hillary Clinton has assumed her role as the Democratic nominee and there is no shortage of sexist backlash from the internet.
During the week of the DNC, twitter was rife with commentary on Hillary's smile, clothing and voice.
The toxic stream of sexism in the recent political debate shows that some Americans don't want to see a woman in the White House -- I mean, what if she gets a hot flash?
1. Hillary has been repeatedly compared to a witch. It's an age-old, sexist association that frames women as inherently deceitful and evil.

2. Hillary's gotten a number of objectifying comments that sexualize and shame her body.

3. There has been no shortage of menopause jokes to question Hillary's qualifications as a female nominee.

4. Some have attacked Hillary's smile and voice.

5. Others have been judgmental of her clothing.

6. And would it be a conversation about Hillary without bringing up Bill?

For the first female presidential nominee, the road to the white house is lined with abuse, shaming, and judgment. Whether or not you agree with Hillary's policies, decent humans can agree that this sexist rhetoric is unacceptable. If we could divorce our opinions of Clinton from societal perceptions of women, this presidential race would look a lot different.
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