As a sophomore in college, I have realized how many people are not completely educated on sex, consent, sexual assault, and everything in between. It actually is shocking. I would think that more people would be more educated on such a big topic. I think that this is a topic that needs to be discussed more than it currently is.
Sex Health and Education
It is very natural to have sexual desires and relations with another person. It is also very natural if you do not have a desire to have sexual relations with someone. As seen in my generation and generations younger, sex health and education is lacking in the education system and also from parents. We are taught that abstinence is the only option when it comes to sex. This really is not the way to go about it at all. Yes, abstinence is a great option to avoid anything from happening, but there also needs to be education on birth control options. This benefits those who do opt into the decision to have sexual relations. They should explain all birth control options whether it is going on the pill, fully explaining condoms, or other options like natural family planning. There also needs to be so much more education on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). A lot of people do not understand the seriousness of some of these diseases. Some of them are for life, like herpes (genital or oral) and HIV. People tend to blow them off and think that they will not happen to them but these diseases don't discriminate. Parents need to really talk to their child about this topic. Yes, it is an uncomfortable conversation but it is better to hear the information from you than one of their friends.
When you ask people for their definition of consent, you will receive many different answers. What consent is is an agreement for something to happen. In sexual relations, it means that there is an agreement for something to happen between two people. To help really understand the true importance of consent, please watch this youtube video that explains consent in a clever, humorous way. They explain consent by referring it to giving someone tea. I shared this video on my Facebook last week. My mom came across the video and really found it educational so please enjoy it.
Just like sex health and education, consent education is another topic people are barely educated on or not educated on at all. Last month, I was giving housing tours on campus and I was showing a room in one of the residence halls. The bulletin board outside of the room was educating students about consent. I was showing the room and this one mother was mortified by the bulletin board. There wasn't anything on it but facts about consent and sexual assault, which I think it great! She was so unhappy that she covered her young teenager's eyes the whole time. I was mind blown that she was so uncomfortable by this board. It really showed me that some people are hiding their kids from this important education that they need.
Sexual Assault
This is a huge topic that has been in the news so much lately. There have been some really big cases, like the Brock Turner case in 2016. It is so heartbreaking that there are so many people who are survivors of sexual assault. Sexual assault ranges from nonconsensual touching of another individual to rape. According to RAINN, there is someone being sexually assaulted every 98 seconds and every 8 minutes is a child. This statistic needs to change. Educate yourself on sexual assault and advocate for it! Remind people that it is never the victims fault, clothing does not give consent, someone who is too drunk to drive is too drunk to give consent, and you need consent to have sexual relations with an individual.
Recently, Joe Biden and the It's On Us campaign just released a very powerful PSA about rape culture. I think it the most amazing PSA. It really shows the underlying statements people can make that show rape culture. I hope this video touches you like it has touched me.
Always remember to stay safe and stay educated, even when it's uncomfortable.
Link to Videos
Why We Need To Talk About Sex In Schools
Consent Tea
It's On Us PSA